University of Virginia Library



THERE WILL BE required Association
meeting at Gilmer Hall
Aud. today and tomorrow. All
first-year College students are expected
to be present.

Assoc. at 8 p.m.; Echols-Humphreys
at 9 p.m.; Kent-Dabney at 7
p.m. All of the preceding meet on
Tuesday. The following meet on
Wednesday: Lefevre-Metcalf at 7
p.m.; Page-Emmet at 8 p.m.

TIMES for Fraternity pictures:
At 5 p.m., Delta Sig. At 5:15, P.
Kap. At 5:30, ATO. At 6 p.m., Pi

VIRGINIA GO Society meeting
1:30-5:30 in Informal Lounge,
Newcomb Hall.

EXTRA-LEGAL Forum presents
Mrs. M. Williams, special consultant
to the Federal Exec. Institute,
speaking on "The Problems of
the Professional Man's Wife and
Their Marriage" at 4 p.m. in Law
Lounge. Public invited.

ENGINEERS: Pick up your free
copy of the Trigon Engineering
Directory in front of Thornton Hall
today and tomorrow.

YOUR CHANCE for stardom:
Charismatic longhair (M) sought for
starring role in avant-garde workshop
production. Audition 7:30
room 2, Minor Hall.

AIAA meeting at 7:30 in the
A&M Aud. A film "Apollo Lunar
Mission Profile" will be presented.
All are welcome, Refreshments.
Dues may be paid at the meeting.

meeting at 4 p.m. in Newcomb Hall
4A. Interested students and faculty

ALL COMMERCE and economics
majors are invited to an
Alpha Kappa Psi rush party at
Theta Chi, 600 Preston Place at

U. UNION Program Board
meeting at 7:30 in Conference
Room, Newcomb Hall.

THETA TAU meeting tonight,
brothers 7:15, Room A-120.
Pledges at 7:30, Room A-119. Officers
6:30 in Room A-120.

Nixon will be in Newcomb Hall
Lounge, 2nd Floor, to answer questions
about the Air Force Training
Program from 10-2 p.m.

BAPTIST Student Center presents
Mr. R. Rialing speaking on "Is
Peace Possible?" at 7 p.m.

FELLOWSHIP of Christian Athletics
meeting 9 p.m., Wesley Foundation.


GYMNASTICS at 4 p.m. in the

SKULL & KEYS will meet at 8
p.m. in Maury Hall. Sceptre Society
meeting in Old Cabell Hall at 6 p.m.

OUTING CLUB meeting room
4C, Newcomb Hall at 7:30 p.m.


THE OFFICE of Placement, 5
Minor Hall, has arranged for the
following colleges to interview interested
students. Any student desiring
to meet with a representative
contact the Placement Office. October
31: George Washington U.
School of Law. November 6: New
York U. Graduate School of Business
Administration. November 11:
University of Georgia School of

APPLICANTS for 1970 admission
to Medical and Dental Schools:
In order that the Pre-Medical Evaluation
Committee may begin its advising
and evaluation duties for the
current third year premedical and
pre-dental students, it is essential
that all register with the Secretary
of the Committee, in room 324 of
Physics Bldg. Please come in person
until Oct. 31 between 2:30-4:30
any day Monday thru Friday.

STUDENTS who have not
picked up checks for work during
Registration, please stop by the
Registrar's Office between 8:15-1
and 2-5.

Staff: Bring in assignments due or
contact F. Blechman, 35 W. Lawn.

TICKETS for the Poe Ball on
sale in the Rotunda 2-5 p.m.