University of Virginia Library

Anti-Book Check

Dear Sir:

The system of having to submit
to a search of one's possessions
when checking books out of Alderman
Library is humiliating and
should, but won't, be stopped.

It was apparently introduced
because the library was losing
books through failure of students
to check them out; which means
simply that the University has,
over the period of years, accepted
a significant number of thieves
into its student body.

If there are thieves here, they
should not have been admitted, and
if admitted should be expunged.
Alternatively, the Honor System,
which by this scheme has been
reduced to a farce, should be
abolished completely.

We do not mind submitting to a
search if it is assumed that we
are (1) not gentlemen, or (2) likely
to steal books or (3) use a
library frequented by persons presumed
to be dishonest. But
we should not be asked to obey
the Honor System and also be
required to submit to a physical
search upon the premise that we
might be stealing.

In any event, the Honor environment
at this University is, for us,
dead. Only a palace of hypocrisy
now stands as a monument to the
belief that a gentleman's word is
his Honor.

So let us now bury the Honor
environment, and let those of us
who regret its passing keep
whatever personal sense of Honor
and dignity we have left, closely
in our hearts and wait for a better