University of Virginia Library


Boxing work-out starts 4:30
Memorial Gym.

Grad. Bible Study. 5:00 p.m.
BSU Center.

There will be a meeting of Cavalier
Daily photographers at 7:30
p.m. in the C. D. Office.

ODK luncheon meeting, 1:00
p.m., parlors A and B, Newcomb
Hall. Mr. Victor Reynolds will
speak on "The Significance of the
University Press in Va. Scholarship."

All students interested in a
business career are invited to the
Young Presidents Organization
Panel at 1:30 p.m. South Meeting
Room, Newcomb Hall.

All first-year fraternity pledges
who are on academic probation
are required by the Inter-fraternity
Council to meet in room 4A,
Newcomb Hall at 4:00 p.m.

French Club Film-"Under the
Roofs of Paris," Gilmer Hall Aud.,
7:00 p.m. Open to Public. Admission

AED Premedical Society Election
Meeting tonight. Cabell Hall
411, 7:30 p.m. All 3rd year members
may pick up MCAT 1968 Announcement
and application forms
at this meeting. Open to members

Outing Club, 7:00 p.m. Room 4C,
Newcomb Hall.

Echols Math Club will hold informal
problem solving session at
3:00 in 422 Cabell Hall.

will present Mr. David Dawson,
Editor of Persuasion magazine,
and Dr. William Watson of
the Department of Sociology in a
debate on the topic. "Resolved:
Laissez-faire Capitalism is the
Ideal Social System." Wednesday,
February 14, at 8 p.m. in Cabell
Hall Auditorium.