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(a) Election of Chairholders

  • Mr. L. J. Bourgeois, III, as Paul M. Hammaker Professor of Business Administration, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2004. Mr. Bourgeois will continue as Professor of Business Administration, without term.

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  • Ms. Susan J. Chaplinsky as Paul Tudor Jones, II, Research Professor in the McIntire School of Commerce and the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, for three years, effective August 25, 2004. Ms. Chaplinsky will continue as Professor of Business Administration, without term.

  • Mr. Edward R. Ford as Vincent and Eleanor Shea Professor of Architecture, effective November 25, 2004. Mr. Ford will continue as Professor of Architecture, without term.

  • Mr. Michael J. Ho as Dale S. Coenen Associate Professor of Free Enterprise, for the period August 25, 2004, through December 24, 2004, at a salary of $49,500.

  • Ms. Barbara J. Mann as Wyeth-Ayerst Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases, effective October 25, 2004. Ms. Mann will continue as Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, without term, and Associate Professor of Research in Microbiology, with term.

  • Mr. Brooks H. Pate as William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Chemistry, effective August 25, 2004. Mr. Pate will continue as Professor of Chemistry, without term.

  • Mr. Dennis R. Proffitt as Commonwealth Professor of Psychology, effective August 25, 2004. Mr. Proffitt will continue as Professor of Psychology, without term.

  • Mr. Reuben M. Rainey as William Stone Weedon Professor of Asian Architecture, effective November 25, 2004. Mr. Rainey will continue as Professor of Landscape Architecture, without term.

  • Mr. Hunter R. Rawlings, III, as University Professor of Classics, for one semester, effective January 10, 2005, at a salary of $75,000.

  • Ms. Daphne G. Spain as James M. Page Professor of Architecture, effective November 25, 2004. Ms. Spain will continue as Professor of Planning, without term.

  • Dr. Gabor Szabo as Charles Slaughter Professor of Physiology, effective October 25, 2004. Dr. Szabo will continue as Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, without term.

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  • Mr. Stephen K. White as James Hart Professor of Government, effective August 25, 2004. Mr. White will continue as Professor of Politics, without term.