University of Virginia Library


President Darden laid before the Board copies of a mimeographed "Digest of
Information About the Proposed use of the College Board Scholastic Aptitude Test at
the University of Virginia", together with letters from Deans Duren, Cherry, and
Fitz Patrick, from Mr. Bryant, Director of Student Aid and Placement; and from Mr.
Raymond C. Bice, Director of Admissions for the College, recommending that the
Scholastic Aptitude Test given by the College Entrance Examination Board (which is
already an admissions requirement for non-Virginians) be used as a requirement for
admission of all students to the undergraduate schools of the University at


During the discussion that followed, it was explained that the testing service
at Princeton (of which the University is a member institution) has already set up
testing centers at fifteen communities throughout Virginia, that Mr. Bice's
planning for the administration of the tests provides for financial and other
assistance for those students for whom the $7.00 testing fee or extended travel
would cause hardship, and that the relative score made on the tests would be only
one of several criteria for admission. The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that all
students hereafter applying for admission to the undergraduate schools of the
University at Charlottesville shall be required to undergo the Scholastic Aptitude
Test given by the College Entrance Examination Board as one of the conditions for