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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia :

the charter as amended and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole June 6th, 1932, in effect July 15th, 1932

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Sec. 35. Officers—how elected—their terms of service,

There may be elected by the Council such officers and clerks as
said Council deems proper and necessary and any one or more of
said offices may be held and exercised by the same person. Unless
otherwise specifically provided, every municipal officer elected
by the Council shall hold his office for a term of two years and
be removable at the will of the Council. The term of all officers
so elected shall commence as soon as they have qualified and given
bond as required. Vacancies occurring in such offices shall be
filled by the Council as soon as practicable. All persons elected
to fill a vacancy shall hold office only during the unexpired term
of the office in which such vacancy occurs. All officers elected
by the Council shall hold office until his successor shall have been
elected and shall have qualified and given bond unless he be sooner

Sec. 36. Officers—salaries to be fixed by council.

The salaries of all officers who shall receive stated compensation
for their services from the City shall be fixed by the Council
except as otherwise provided. They shall be paid their reasonable
traveling expenses when the duties of their offices require
their attendance out of the City. No payment shall be made to
any officer who is in arrears to the City or in default in rendering
any account or report required of him.

Sec. 37. Officers—appointment of substitute during inability
to serve.

If any officer elected by the Council be at any time unable, by
reason of sickness or other unavoidable cause, to discharge the
duties of his office, he may, in writing, appoint a substitute to act
for him during such inability, and he and his sureties shall be
liable for the conduct of such substitute while in office. No such
appointment shall be valid until ratified by the Council, and approved


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in writing by the surety on such officer's bond. Nothing
herein shall be construed to affect the right of the Mayor to remove
any officer appointed by the Council.

Sec. 38. Officers—removal of for malfeasance, etc.

For malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, incapacity, or
any other good cause, the Mayor or Council may remove from office
any officer elected or appointed by the Council.

Sec. 39. Officers—pay of suspended officers.

Any officer who shall be suspended by the Mayor or Council
shall forfeit his salary from the day of his suspension until he
is reinstated or discharged, and shall only receive the pro-rata
part of his pay for the time he may have actually served; provided,
however, if the suspension is not sustained, the officer so
suspended is to receive his pay in full, the same as if no suspension
had occurred.

Sec. 40. Officers—absence from city, vacation, etc.

The superintendents of such departments as require the regular
employment or working of a force of hands shall not be absent
from the City without the consent of the City Manager.

A vacation of ten days in each year shall be allowed the superintendents
of departments as above described without loss of
pay, at such time as will not be detrimental to the public service
and as may be agreed upon by the City Manager.

Sec. 41. Officers—official bonds.

The penalties of the official bonds of the following officers
shall be, respectively, as herein enumerated, to-wit:



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Mayor  $ 2,000 
Auditor and Clerk  5,000 
Treasurer  25,000 
Treasurer of Sinking Fund Commission  25,000 
City Manager  5,000 
City Collector  10,000 
Chief of Police  1,000 
Meter Readers of Gas and Water  1,000 
Superintendent of Cemeteries  1,000 
Sergeant  $ 2,000 
Constable  2,000 
Clerk of Civil and Police Justice Court  2,000 
City Electrician  500 

Every official bond required by the City shall be given in such
guaranty company as will be satisfactory to the Finance Committee,
and shall be made payable to the City of Charlottesville,
with condition for the faithful discharge of the duties of the office
to which the person giving it has been elected or appointed.

All official bonds shall be paid for by the City.

Any person elected or appointed to any office who shall for ten
days after the beginning of the term for which he was elected or
appointed, neglect to give such bond and security as may be required
of him, shall thereby vacate his office.

The Finance Committee shall report to the Council all official
bonds given as required by this section for entry upon its journal
and the bonds shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the Corporation

Sec. 42. Officers—salaries to be fixed by the council.

The salaries of all officers who shall receive stated compensation
for their services from the City, shall be fixed by the

Sec. 43. Officers—general power and authority.

The officers of the City elected or appointed by the Council
shall, during the time they are in office, have all the power and
authority of like officers of the State under its general laws, unless
the same be abridged or restricted by the Council.