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The Virginia State Teachers' Scholarships in the Department of Education:
thirty scholarships annually, twenty each with a value of $200, and ten
each with a value of $100. Founded in 1918 by action of the General Assembly
of Virginia. The holder must be a Virginian in need of financial assistance
in order to attend the University; and he must pledge himself to
teach or engage in some other form of public school work in Virginia for
at least two years, or, failing this, to repay to the University the full value


Page 30
of the scholarship. Blank forms of application may be had upon request to
Dean John L. Manahan, Chairman of the Committee on State Teachers'
Scholarships. Appointments prior to September 1 of each year are made
upon the recommendation of division superintendents. Any scholarships unassigned
on September 1 are open to applicants from the State at large.

In addition to the Virginia State Teachers' Scholarships, there are a number
of other scholarships in the University available for students of Education.
A detailed description of them is given in the General Catalogue of
the University.