University of Virginia Library


Junior Class.—Engineering Geodesy; Projective Geometry; Exploitation
of Mines.

Senior Class.—Resistance of Materials; Mechanics of Machines;
Theory of Prime Movers.

The department is thoroughly equipped with Field Instruments of the
best construction, and is provided with a commodious, well-lighted
drawing-hall. Assiduous practice in the field and at the drawing-board
is continued throughout the course

Text-Books.—Warren's Elements of De criptive Geometry, Shadows, and Perspective;
Smith's Topographical Drawing; Rankine's Civil Engineering; Rankine's
Machinery and Mill Work; Rankine's Steam Engine; Callon's Cours des Mines.

Books of Reference.—Trautwine's Pocket Book; Henck's Field Book.

A special course of Lectures on Land Surveying, with Field Work, is
given in the latter part of the session, which is open to any student of
the University on payment of a fee of $5 for use of instruments.