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In 1920 the Curry Memorial School of Education was organized as a Department
of the University, coördinate with the other professional Departments.
The courses in Education, however, also count as electives-at-large
and major-electives toward the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of
Science in the College. The following is a list of the courses offered. A detailed
statement of each course will be found under the announcement of the
Curry Memorial Department of Education.

Education C1: Advanced Educational Psychology: Psychology B1 and


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one B course in Education, prerequisite.—To be given in alternate years with Education
C6. Professor Ferguson.

Education C2: Problems in School Administration: Education B5 and
Education B7 or B8, prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate years with Education
C3. Professor Manahan.

Education C3: Problems in Elementary School Supervision: Education
B5 and Education B7 or B8, prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate years
with Education C2. Professor Manahan.

Education C4: Problems in High School Administration: Education B7
and Education B8 or B5, prerequisite.
—Professor Smithey.

Education C5: Problems in High School Supervision: Education B8
one other B course in Education, prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate years
with Education C4. Professor Smithey.

Education C6: Mental Measurements: Psychology B1 and one B course
in Education, prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate years with Education C1.
Professor Ferguson

Education D1: Seminar in Educational Psychology.—Hours by appointment.
Professor Ferguson.

Education D2: Seminar in School Administration.—Hours by appointment.
Professor Manahan.

Education D3: Seminar in Secondary Education.—Hours by appointment.
Professor Smithey.

Summer Quarter 1927

Education sC2-II: Problems in School Administration. First Term.
Professors Manahan and West and Mr. Acker.

Education sC2-III: Seminar in School Administration. Both Terms.
Professor Manahan, Mr. Gilbert and Professor West.

Education sC3-I: Standard Tests in School Subjects. Both Terms.
Professor Manahan and Mr. Acker.

Education sC3-II: Standard Tests in Elementary School Subjects.
First Term. Professor Manahan and Mr. Acker and Mr. Gilbert.

Education sC3-III: Seminar in School Administration. Both Terms.
Professor Manahan and Mr. Acker.

Education sC4-I: Problems of Secondary Education. Both Terms.
Professor Smithey.

Education sC4-III: Problems of Secondary Education. Both Terms.
Professor Windes.


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Education sC5-I: Problems of Secondary Education. Both Terms.
Professor Smithey.

Education sC5-II: Problems of Secondary Education. Both Terms.
Professor Windes.

Education sC5-III: Problems of Secondary Education. Both Terms.
Professor Windes.

Education sC6-I: Social Psychology. First Term. Dr. Pruette.

Education sC6-II: Abnormal Psychology. First Term. Dr. Pruette.

Education sC6-III (a): Psychology of Vocational Guidance. First
Term. Assistant Professor Fryer.

Education sC6-III (b): Industrial Psychology. First Term. Assistant
Professor Fryer.

Education sC7-I: The Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence. Second
Term. Professor Geissler.

Education sC7-II: The Psychology of Elementary School Subjects.
Second Term. Professor Geissler.

Education sC7-III: The Psychology of High School Subjects. Second
Term. Professor Geissler.