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A List of Marriages from Henrico County Court Records, Names
of Ministers not Mentioned.


John Morton to John Wade's widow.

Wm. Hatcher to John Burton's daughter.

John Cocke to Mary Kennon.

Jos. Farrar to Ann Floyd, ward of Col. Wm. Byrd.

Wm. Farrar to Priscilla Baugh, grandchild of Col. Wm. Byrd.


Wm. Giles to daughter of Capt. Jno. Knowles.


Mathew Turpin to Sarah, daughter of Ed. Hatcher.

Thos. Farrar to Kate Perrin.

John Cocke to Mary Davis.

John Steuart to Susannah Burton.

Thos. East to Dorothy Thomas.

October, 1688, to October, 1689.

Geo. Archer to only sister of Wm. Harris.

Edward Mathewes with Sarah Bishop.

Archer Mosely with Sarah Hancock.

Hugh Lyons with Eliza Walthal.

Joseph Farrar with Sarah Turpin.

Moses Wood with Eliza Ferguson.

Ralph Hudspeth with Margaret Eyres.

Wm. Burton with Mary Parker.

Robt. Napier with Mrs. Mary Perrin.

Stephen Cocke with Mrs. Sarah Marston.

John Johnson with Mechall Harris.

Edward Haskins with Martha Jones.


Thos. Farrar to Katherine, daughter of Richd. Perrin.

John Farrar with Mrs. Temple Batte, Nov. 11, 1691, license
granted; Richard Jones and Joseph Pleasants securitees.


Page 226

John Puckett, Eliza Allen. License granted March 18, 1691. Geo.
Worham security.

Francis Chalmeby with Sarah Huddeley.

Robt. Woodson, Jr., with Sarah Lewis.

Peter Field with Judith Randolph, relict of Henry Randolph.

James Cocke with Mrs. Eliza Pleasants, Jan. 11th. Capt. Thos.
Cocke, Jr., and William Cocke, Jr., securities.


Jacob Colson with Mary Davis, Jan. 14th.

Richard Jones with Rachel Ragsdale.

Benj. Lockett with Winfred Pride, Feb. 25th.


Bur. Stovall with Ann Burton, Aug. 8th.

Thos. Edwards with Martha Osborne, Oct. 26th.

Alexander Clerk with Ann Blancharedt, Jan. 20th.

Ben Hudson with Eliza Skipp, Jan. 20th.

John Farrar, Jr., to a sister of Jerry Brown.


Dr. Joshua Irby with Elizabeth Ludson, Oct. 28th.

Thos. Elam with Eliza Perrin, May 26th.

Stephen Cocke with Mrs. Martha Banister, May 26th.

Saml. Harwood with Temperance Cocke, June 14th.

Annie, daughter of Henry Sherman, to Christopher Branch.

Benj. Lockett to Winfred, daughter of Wm. Pride.

Robt. Morris to Ann Redford.

Henry Hill to Rosamond Webster, April 2nd.

Edward Osborne to Eliza Browne, June 15th.


Thos. East to Ann Perrin, April 19th.

Robt. Smith to Susan Holmes, April 19th.

Geo. Cogbill to Eliza Blackmur, April 20th.

John Hester to Mary Worsham, Sept. 9th.

Miles Cary, Jr., to Eliza Cocke, Aug. 22nd.

Roger Crosdail to Rachal Ruck, Sept. 23rd.

Peter Harris to Mary Smith, June 26th.

Wm. Cocke to Sarah Perrin, Nov. 2nd, 1695.


Wm. Taylor to Judith Arthur, Dec. 5th.

John Arthur to Frances Shipley, January —.

John Davis to Eliza King, Feb. 29th.

Stephen Hamlin to Mary Elam, June —.


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Francis Patrum to Frances Elam, July —.

Peter Ashbrook to Mary Forrist, Sept. —.

Richd. Ward to Eliza Blackmur.

Ab. Childress to Hester Cannon.

John Cocke to Ovid Branch, Nov. 24th.

John Evans, Jr., to Sarah Batte, Jan. 27th.


Geo. Cox to Martha Stratton, Oct. 22nd.

Thomas Jefferson (2nd) to Mary Field (dr. of Major Peter Field),
Nov. 20th.

John Bolling to Mary Kennon, Dec. 29th.

John Fale to Mary Elam, Jan. 3rd.

James Westbrook to Eliza Puckett, Jan. 9th.

Tim Harris to Eliza Womock, March 15th.

John Lowry to Eliza Worrell, March 15th.

Thos. Liggon to Eliza Worsham, March 15th.

Francis Pearce to Katharine Cresby, Jan. 6th.


Joseph Royall to Elizabeth Kennon, Dec. —.

Danl. Steuart to Elizabeth Farloe, widow, Dec. —.

Saml. Pulton to Sarah Tanner, widow, Dec. 30th.


Edward Skerme to Priscilla, daughter to John Branch, July 16,

Joseph Pleasants to Martha Cocke, May 15, 1699.

John Edloe, of James City, to Martha Hatcher, April 30.

Giles Webb to widow of Henry Randolph, deceased.


Saml. Hancock to Joan Hancock, April 15, 1700.

John Adkins to Ann Childress, July 18.

Jos. Williamson and Priscilla Skerme, July 7th.

James Cocke to Mary, daughter of John Pleasants, Quaker.


Robt. Hix to Ruth Ragsdail, May 18th.

James Thweat to Mrs. Judith Soane, Nov. 24th.

Robt. Munford to Mrs. Martha Kennon, Dec. 22nd.

Richard Bland to Eliza Randolph, Feb., 1702.

Joseph Mattox, of Charles City county, to Mary Jefferson, relict
of Thomas Jefferson (first), April 1st.


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John Brown to Martha Stratton, Aug. —.

Wm. Rowlett to Frances Worsham.

Robt. Williams to Eliza Bucskin.


Will Batte, of Prince George county, to Mary Stratton, May —.

Henry Anderson to Prudence Stratton, Sept. —.

Benj. Horner to Mary Ruck, Sept. —.


Richd. Wilkinson to Martha Cox, Feb. 2nd.

Thos. Cheatham, Jr., to Tabithia Branch, widow of Benj. Branch,
Feb. 2d.

John Mosby to Martha Womack, daughter of Abraham Womack,
Nov. 22, 1708.

Caleb Ware to Bethinia Douglas, widow, March —.

Wm. Pride to Ann Hill, widow, Nov. 24th.

Moses Wood to May Cox, dr. of Bartholemew Cox, June 3rd, 1709.

Thos. Chamberlayne to Elizabeth, dr. of Edward Stratton, deceased,
June 1st, 1709.


William Atkinson to dr. of Richard Parker, Jan. 17, 1716.

Jos. Passon, of Henrico, to dr. of Robert Woodson, May 17, 1718.


Darby Enroughty to Mary, dr. of Joseph Tanner.

William Farrar to Mary, relict of William Ligon.


Joseph Pleasants to Martha, dr. of Richard Cocke, Sr.

Bray David, of James City, to Eliz., dr. of John Page (1st), of


John Pleasants to Mary Woodson, April 6th.


Charles Woodson to Agnes, widow of Samuel Richardson, likely a
dr. of Nathaniel Bacon.


Bradford Francis to Judith, widow of Wm. Cocke.

Joseph Pleasants, Quaker, son of Joseph, to Mary, dr. of Stephen
Woodson, Oct. 5th.


Page 229


Marvin or Gromarvin Mary, widow of Gilly Gromarvin, to Daniel


John Richardson to Mary, dr. of Edward Curd, deceased.


John Stuart to Mary, dr. of Edward Bowman.


Alexander Robinson to Mary, dr. of Thomas Harwood, deceased,

Edward Osborne to dr. of William Epes, Feb., 1738-'39.


Petypool Collivell to Mary Gromarvin, dr. of Gilly Gromarvin,


Thomas Jarvis married the widow of Nathaniel Bacon, Jr.

A list of marriages solemnized by Rev. John Buchanan, certified to
by himself, and filed in Henrico Record Office. Attached to some of
his certificates are marriages solemnized by Rev. Benjamin Blagrove
(which latter list will be found after Rev. John Buchanan's),
From July
2, 1785, to May 28, 1791, inclusive.


July 2—Bailey, Wm., and Whitlow, Milley.

Sept. 4—Ball, Thos., and Blunt, Sussanna.

Sept. 8—Woody, Saml., and Denie, Elizabeth.

Sept. 15—Barker, Alex., and Bracket, Charity.

Sept. 22—Webb, Jr., Foster, and Cocke, Theodocia.

Oct. 15—Colston, Rawleigh, and Marshall, Elizabeth.

Oct. 20—Fussel, Benj., and Mathews, Sarah.

Oct. 29—Blakey, John, and Johnson, Jemima.

Oct. 29—Quarles, Henry, and Williamson, Mary.

Nov. 5—Griffin, Jos., and Mecon M. Patsey.

Nov. 26—Hix, John, and Grubbs, Sarah.

Dec. 24—Franklin, Jno., and Minor, Nancy.

Dec. 25—Logwood, Wm., and Walker, Jane.

Dec. 29—Hollins, Jas., and Derram, Rusilla.


Jan. 2—Hudson, Jno., and Williams, Nancy.

Feb. 11—Hood, Thos., and Bailey, Branch Elizabeth.


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Feb. 28—Ryley, Phillip, and Bullington, Sarah.

Mar. 1—Litchford, Adam, and Deane, Elizabeth.

Mar. 5—Gordas, Thos., and Hughes, Mary.

Mar. 9—Dunn, Saml., and Ratliffe, Martha.

Mar. 30—Martin, John, and Russel, Betsy.

Apr. 10—Lafong, Jr., George, and Gatewood, Dolly.

Apr. 14—Price, W. Jno., and Kinnon, Nancy.

Apr. 15—Eckward, Jacob, and Bryan, Pryscilla.

Apr. 17—Niccols, Jno., and Scott, Sally.

Apr. 27—Dircuse, Jno., and Prosser, Nancy.

May 1—Bacon, Nathaniel, and Meux, Elizabeth.

May 20—Elmore, Chas., and Glenn, Mary.

May 21—Shoemaker, Jeremiah, and Jones, Priscilla.

June 3—Stanton, James, and Childress, Judith.

July 1—Greenhow, Robt., and Wells, Ann.

July 6—Glynn, Jno., and Goehegan Taylor, Mary.

Sept. 7—Roan, Spencer, and Henry, Ann.

Sept. 26—East, David, and Ascough, Ann.

Oct. 12—Williams, Thos., and Charlton, Jane.

Oct. 12—Aylett, Philip, and Henry, Elizabeth.

Oct. 21—Childers, Abraham, and Foster, Sally.

Nov. 1—Russel, Wm., and Holland, Sarah.

Nov. 16—Holton, Thos., and Dunaberry, Regina.

Dec. 2—Waddell, Wm., and Aven, Nancy.

Dec. 19—Sturdivent, Joel, and Burnet, Frances.

Dec. 29—Stoball, Littleberry, and Prosser, Elizabeth.


Jan. 6—Perkins, Benj., and Williams, Mary.

Jan. 17—Fussell, Jno., and Williams, Jane.

Feb. 17—Colter, Wm., and Britan, Elizabeth.

Feb. 24—Barcelot, Jno., and Conand, Mary.

Mar. 1—Lewis, Pleasant, and Owen, Jemima.

Mar. 10—Jordan, Fleming, and Warn, Martha.

Mar. 17—Call, Wm., and Walker, Hellen.

Mar. 23—Lattell, Jos., and Randolph, Lucy.

Apr. 7—Sablong, Chas., and Berry, Sally.

May 4—Womack, Abraham, and Jolley, Susan.

May 5—Lenox, Jno., and Campbell, Lucy.

June 2—Palmer, Wm., and Wood, Sarah.

June 21—Hanet, Joseph, and Emery, Patsey.

July 21—Bryan, Jno., and Cock, Agnes.

July 30—Donally, Thos., and Douglass, Jane.

Aug. 3—Curray, Hugh, and Donelley.


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Aug. 4—Scott, Andrew, and Scott, Millender.

Aug. 4—Urquhart, James, and Malory, Penelope.

Aug. 8—Haley, Henry, and Jones, Mary.

Oct. 13—Mann, Wm., and Hutchens, Dorathea.

Nov. 18—Urquhart, Jno., and Lepetit, Lucy.

Dec. 4—Minton, Jos., and Lewis, Susanna.


Jan. 5—Scott, Jno., and Scott, Charity.

Mar. 9—Lenard, Thos., and Wood, Catherin.

Mar. 14—Allan, Robt., and Speir, Pattsey.

Apr. 26—Lester, Jno., and Hudson, Sarah.

May 3—More, Bernard, and Lieper, Lucy.

May 17—Crouch, Richard, and Galt, Mary.

June 28—Marshall, Wm., and Adams, Alice.

Aug. 11—Plant, Isaac, and Bellaney, Sarah.

Oct. 9—Singleton, Anthony, and Randolph, Lucy, Mrs.

Nov. 13—Milton, Absolom, and Howard, Patsey.

Dec. 7—Duke, James, and Munkas, Mary.


Jan. 3—Smith, Wm., and Crouch, Elizabeth.

Jan. 26—Nash, Wm., and Clark, Ann.

Feb. 21—Walker, Thos., and Pierson Walton, Beckie.

Mar. 1—Mead, David, and Randolph, Elizabeth.

Mar. 10—Grantland, Michael, and Pinchback, Christian.

Apr. 23—Ronald, Andrew, and Fleming, Catherin.

May 14—Galatin, Albert, and Allegree, Sophia.

May 30—Burrel, Lewis, and Kennon, Judith.

June 24—White, Saml., and Spencer, Rhoda.

Oct. 8—Cunliff, Jno., and Hughs, Easter.

Oct. 17—Vaudeville, Marks, and Lewis, Susanna.

Oct. 17—Picket, Geo., and Flint, Margaret.

Oct. 24—Banks, Thos., and Cravat, Milly.

Dec. 12—Gilliat, Thos., and Scott, Mary.

Dec. 19—Shepherd, M. Jno., and Pulliam, Sarah.

Dec. 26—Morris, Robt., and Linch, Eliz.


Jan. 2—Greenhow, Jno., and Voss, Catharine.

Jan. 3—Chevallie, Augustus Jno., and McGhee, Sally.

Jan. 14—Martin, Jno., and Price, Martha.

Jan. 28—Moody, Mat, and Pinkney, Susannah.

Feb. 6—New, John, and Blackey, Fanney.

May 31—Block, Wm., and Hudson, Susanna.


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June 12—Harris, Eldridge, and Voss, Celia.

June 15—Powell, Wm., and Ball, Elenor.

June 29—Bowman, Chas., and Auldin, Nancy.

July 10—Buckner, Aylett, and Hodges, Martha.

July 24—Scott, Walter, and Nichols, Martha.

Aug. 7—Weymouth Walker Wm., and Hudson, Elizabeth.

Sept. 15—Randolph, M. Thos., and Harvey, Gabrielle.

Oct. 2—Rynolds, Wm., and Whitlock, Betsy.

Oct. 14—Allan, Wm., and Seaton, Jane.

Nov. 11—Barclay, Niclson, and Barret, Mary.


Jan. 1—Brackinridge, James, and Selden, Nancy.

Jan. 21—Fitzwhilson, Henry Wm., and Ferguson, Sarah.

Jan. 27—Powell, Frederick, and Carter, Sally.

Jan. 29—Jackson, Jos., and Carter, Mary.

Feb. 14—Wheclin, Richard, and Goodwin, Rebecca.

Feb. 19—Hogg, Saml., and Bowles, Susanna.

Feb. 20—Roberts, James, and Watkins, Susanna.

May 21—Ambler, Jno., and Marshall, Lucy.

May 28—Ghovers, Peter, and More, Ann.

From Richmond Enquirer.

Apr. 4, 1808—Lownes, Wm., to Glinn Wormeley, Anna Mary.

Apr. 5, 1810—Eustes, Wm., to Charlotte, daughter of Dr. Wm.

Oct. 5, 1816—Paine, Orris, to Wiesham, E. Catharine.

July 4, 1816—Hawkins, Geo., to Gertrude Parke, daughter of
Bishop Moore.

Mar. 11, 1817—Scott, Wingfield, Gen., to Mayo, D. Mariah, eldest
daughter of Col. John Mayo, of Richmond.

By Rev. Benjamin Blagrove.


Nov. 22—Pryce, Peter, and Hodges, Sarah.

Dec. 18—Bowman, Edward, and Scott, Catharine.

Dec. 23—Roberts, Chas., and Campbell, Sarah.

Dec. 26—Derome, Brazil, and Patrick, Hannah.


Jan. 2—Sabb, Jno., and Bury, Betsy.


Dec. 2—Childers, Nathaniel, and Bailley, H. Sally.

Dec. 24—Castney, M. Robt., and Gunn, Arianna.

Dec. 29—Sydner, Fortunatus, and Price, Barret Polly.


Jan. 15—Wood, Basil, and Richardson, Peggy.


Page 233

Register of marriages from 1815-1828, 1836-1842, by Rev. William H.
Hart, rector St. John's Church, Richmond, Va.

List of Marriages from 1815 to 1842—Rev. Wm. H. Hart.

At Richmond, Va., October 19, 1815—Daniel P. Organ and Pamela
Mosely; license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, Va., March 2, 1816—Jacob, slave to Miss Sherbroke,
and Eva, slave to Mr. Thos. Bohannon.

At Richmond, Va., April 25, 1816—Jacob Smith and Frances T.
Davis (ward of D. Haynes); license bearing date April 20, 1816.

At Richmond, Va., May 2, 1816—John Saunders and Ann Ratcliffe;
license bearing date May 1, 1816.

At Manchester, Va., November 27, 1816—Chas. G. Field and Martha
C. Burwell; license bearing date November 26, 1816.

At Norfolk, Va., December 19, 1816—Rev. Samuel Low to Ann
Elizabeth B. Brown; license bearing date December 19, 1816.

At Richmond, Va., February 17, 1817—Samuel Phillips and Sarah
Turner; license bearing date February 27, 1817.

March 27, 1817—Warren Lipscomb and Ann Lipscomb; license
bearing date March.

At Blackbird Island, July 1, 1817—James Kennedy and Sarah
McDowell; license bearing date July 1, 1817.

At Richmond, August 11, 1817—Littleberry Carrington and Eliza
G. Carrington; license bearing date August 11, 1817.

Near Richmond, August 16, 1817—Richard Miller and Peggy Phillips;
license bearing date August 14, 1817.

At Richmond, January 10, 1818—John Van Lew and Eliza Louisa
Baker; license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, March 11, 1818—William B. Pierce and Catharine
Armistead; license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, October 1, 1818—Thomas Pulling and Sarah Ford;
license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, January 21, 1819—William Burke and Mary Ann
Weymouth; license bearing date as above.

In Charles City county, February 11, 1819—Robert Douthal and
Eleanor W. Lewis; license bearing date as above.

In Matthews county, March 16, 1819—Joseph Mayo, Jr., of Richmond,
and Mary Ann Tabb, of Matthews county; license bearing
date March 15, 1819.

In Middlesex county, May 4, 1819—James C. Wyatt, of Gloucester
county, and Isabella L. Fauntle Roy, of Middlesex; license bearing
date May 1, 1819.

At Richmond, May 21, 1819—William B. White and Mary James;
license bearing date May 19, 1819.


Page 234

At Richmond, December 3, 1819—John A. Lancaster and Adelaide
Maria Derieux; license bearing date November 30, 1819.

At Richmond, January 5, 1820—Hazlett Kyle and Lucy Ann Winston;
license bearing date January 3, 1820.

At Dover Mills, Goochland county, January 23, 1820—William O.
Goode, of Goochland, and Sarah B. Tazewell, of Goochland; license
bearing date January 22, 1820.

In Gloucester county, March 28, 1820—George H. Burwell, of Frederick
county, and Isabella S. Dixon, of Gloucester county; license
bearing date of March 27, 1820.

At Richmond, April 22, 1820—David Hume and Eliza Saunderson;
license bearing date April 21, 1820.

At Richmond, May 1, 1820—Richard Messiter, of Great Britain,
and Mary Bouleware, of Richmond; license bearing date as above.

Married at the house of Philip Duval, near Richmond, May 18,
1820—Francis Gildart and Eleanor Wormley Beverly; license bearing
date May 12, 1820.

At Richmond, June 29, 1820—Philip Budlong, of Richmond, and
Mary D. Wills, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, August 16, 1820—George Roper, of Richmond, and
Susan Evans, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing date August 14, 1820.

At Richmond, September 2, 1820—James H. Mann, of Richmond,
and Betsey Wren, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, September 5, 1820—William Pearson, of Richmond,
and Mary Ann Welch, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing date September
4, 1820.

In Westmoreland county, Va., October 5, 1820—George William
Smith, of Richmond, and Anna Stewart Belfield Campbell, of Westmoreland;
license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, November 9, 1820—Samuel Berridge and Lucy Exall,
of England; license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, November 21, 1820—John Lester and Jane Miller,
of Richmond, Va.; license bearing date November 18, 1820.

At Richmond, Va., January 18, 1821—Adam Miller, of Richmond,
Va., Flower Melinda Dickerson, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing
date January 16, 1821.

At Richmond, Va., January 30, 1821—Frederick Crawford, of Richmond,
Va., Susan Friberg Barnes, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing
date January 29, 1821.

At Richmond, Va., February 28, 1821—William Stith, of Richmond,
Va., Rebecca Harris, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing date February
27, 1821.

At Richmond, Va., July 12, 1821—John Blackwell, of Lunenburg
county., Julia Ann Ford, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing date as


Page 235

In Matthews county, October 17, 1821—Philip William Stark,
M. D., and Eliza Lane, of Matthews county, Va.

In Chesterfield county, Va., October 23, 1821—Orrin Williams, of
Richmond, Va., Ann Elizabeth Jamboom Hatcher, of Chesterfield;
license bearing date October 22, 1821.

At Richmond, Va., October 25, 1821—Benjamin Franklin Spalding
and Susan Winston Clark, of Richmond; license bearing date October
24, 1821.

At Richmond, December 13, 1821—Samuel Frayser, of Henrico
county, Elizabeth Weymouth, of Richmond; license bearing date
December 12, 1821.

In Chesterfield county, April 16, 1822—Charles Washington Friend,
of Prince Edward county, to Martha Cox, of Chesterfield; license
bearing date April 8, 1822.

At Richmond, May 1, 1822—John Laprade Tate, of Richmond, Va.,
Elizabeth George, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing date as above.

In Charles City county, May 30, 1822—Hiram Harris, of Chesterfield
county, to Margaret Elizabeth Christian, of Charles City county;
license bearing date May 29, 1822.

In Chesterfield county, June 11, 1822—William Archer, of Manchester,
Va., Page Patrick Hatcher, of Chesterfield county; license
bearing date June 5, 1822.

At Richmond, November 26, 1822—Byrd Chamberlayne, of Richmond,
and Mary Robertson Sully, of Richmond; license bearing date
November 22, 1822.

At Richmond, December 16, 1822—Terry Hill, of Hanover county,
and Sally Lawrence, of Hanover county; license bearing date of
December 14, 1822.

At Richmond, January 22, 1823—Andrew William Swain, of Richmond,
Va., and Catherine Yarrington, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing
date December 31, 1822.

At Richmond, January 16, 1822—Benjamin Franklin Spalding, of
Richmond, and Julia Ann Gamble Willett, of Richmond; license
bearing date January 15, 1823.

At Strawberry Plain, Henrico county, February 16, 1823—John
Stagg, of Henrico county, and Elizabeth King Fox, of Henrico county;
license bearing date January 31, 1823.

At Richmond, March 13, 1823—Charles Geohagen, of Richmond,
and Elizabeth Kendall Evington, of Richmond; license bearing date
as above.

At Richmond, April 1, 1823—John Mahony and Aunora Greehen;
license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, May 1, 1823—George Stuart, of Richmond, to Elizabeth
O'Brien (widow), of Richmond; license bearing date as above.


Page 236

At Richmond, May 1, 1823—John Sarvey, of Richmond, and Mary
Ann Crew, of Richmond; license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, May 15, 1823—Ned Lightfoot and Sophy Buck, both
free people of color; license bearing date as above.

On Harvey's Island, near Richmond, May 22, 1823—Daniel Stephen
McCarthy, of Richmond, and Maria Humes, of Harvey's Island;
license bearing date May 20, 1823.

At Richmond, May 27, 1823—Benjamin Lambert Wallace, of Richmond,
and Julia Maria Hoof, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing date
May 22, 1823.

At Richmond, June 26, 1823—Joseph Tonge Lomax, of Richmond,
Va., Sarah Maria Smith, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing date as

At Manchester, Chesterfield county, August 26, 1823—Wm. Porter
Strother, of Chesterfield county, and Elizabeth Kendall Hewlett, of
Chesterfield county; license bearing date August 25, 1823.

At Richmond, August 28, 1823—John Morrison, a seaman, and
Margaret Briddle; license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, September 11, 1823—Caswell Poe, of Lynchburg,
and Marion Nimmo, of Richmond; license bearing date September
10, 1823.

At Richmond, September 18, 1823—Claude Muzy, of Richmond,
and Martha Plantie, of Richmond; license bearing date September
17, 1823.

At Richmond, September 18, 1823—James Evans, of Richmond, and
Gertrude Susanna Marbry Ford, of Richmond; license bearing date
C. H. C., September 12, 1823.

At Richmond, October 2, 1823—Joshua Crump, of Richmond, and
Sarah Sydnor Kimbrough, of Richmond; license bearing date October
1, 1823, by D. C. H. C.

At Powhatan, near Richmond, November 18, 1823—George Cabell,
M. D., of Richmond, and Elizabeth Fitzhugh May, of Petersburgh;
license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, December 30, 1823—John Eastern and Hannah Burton,
of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico county, December
29, 1823.

At Richmond, January 17, 1824—Moses Roster and Mary O'Brien,
of Richmond; license bearing date as above Richmond H. C.

At Richmond, March 20, 1824—William Cooper and Catherine Jane
Harness, free people of color; license bearing date March 19, 1824.

At Richmond, April 8, 1824—Capt. George Cannon, of Eastern
Shore, and Susanna Clarke, of Richmond; license bearing date H. C.,
April 3, 1824.

Near Richmond, April 30, 1824—James Hastie Brown and Isabella
Gordon, of Richmond; license bearing date H. C., April 29, 1824.


Page 237

At Richmond, May 31, 1824—Robert Sharp and Elizabeth Brydie,
of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico county as above.

At Richmond, June 16, 1824—Erastus Wiley, M. D., of Richmond,
Jane Gray Otis Prior, of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico
county as above.

At Richmond, August 6, 1824—Maurice Primrose, of Richmond,
and Mrs. Rebecca Kelso, of Richmond; license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, August 17, 1824—Augustus Esprit Guigon, of King
William county, and Ellen Scott Smithey, of Richmond; license bearing
date as above.

At Richmond, October 14, 1824—Thomas Bibb Bigger, of Richmond,
and Elizabeth Meredith Russell, of Richmond; license bearing
date Henrico county, October 12, 1824.

At Richmond, October 27, 1824—Joseph Marsh, of Richmond, and
Lucy Curtis Ford, of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico county,
October 25, 1824.

At Richmond, November 1, 1824—Simon Cullen, of Richmond, and
Eliza Trent Rocke, of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico
county, as above.

Near Richmond, November 8, 1824—William Trueman, of Richmond,
and Maria Fitzwilson, of Richmond; license bearing date
Henrico county, as above.

At Richmond, November 9, 1824—George Park Richardson, of
Richmond, Va., Sarah Ann McDougle, of Richmond, Va.; license
bearing date Henrico county, as above.

In Hanover county, November 25, 1824—Samuel Mecklin Bockins, of Hanover county, and Bettie Carter Bassett, of Hanover county;
license bearing date Hanover county, November 24, 1824.

At Richmond, December 23, 1824—Edmund Steane, of Richmond,
and Martha Ann Goode, of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico
county, as above.

At Richmond, January 25, 1825—William Henry Dickenson, of
Richmond, and Mrs. Lily White, of Richmond; license bearing date
Richmond Hust. Court, as above.

At Richmond, January 27, 1825—Billy Anderson and Betsy
Anthony, free people of color; license bearing date C. H. C., as above.

At Richmond, February 17, 1825—Samuel Ayers, of Richmond,
Mary Frances New, of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico
county, February 16, 1825.

At Richmond, March 9, 1825—Edward Scott, of Richmond, Jane
Moore, of Richmond; license bearing date as above.

At Richmond, March 18, 1825—John Bell, of Richmond, Mary
Stuart, of Richmond; license bearing date Richmond City as above.

At Richmond, March 19, 1825—Michael Flanagan, of Richmond,


Page 238
Sarah Ann Gibbon, of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico county,
as above.

Near Richmond, April 25, 1825—Dr. Jones Oliver Christian and
Christianna Shields Christian, of Henrico county; license bearing
date Henrico county, April 8, 1825.

At Richmond, April 16, 1825—Richard Adams, of Richmond, Mary
Woodson Selden, of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico county,
as above.

At Richmond, February 2, 1825—John Eyre Heron, of Norfolk,
and Eliza Jordan Adams, of Richmond; license bearing date City
of Richmond as above.

At Richmond, July 16, 1825—George Langley and Margaret Bee,
free people of color; license bearing date City of Richmond, July
13, 1825.

At Richmond, July 20, 1825—William Crozier, of Richmond, and
Hannah Moloy, of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico county
as above.

In Manchester, July 28, 1825—Dr. Anderson Salle, of Manchester,
and Sarah Michaels, of Manchester; license bearing date July 25,
1825, Chesterfield county.

At Richmond, August 16, 1825—John Jarvis, a free man of color,
and Lucy Marble, a free woman of color; license bearing date Richmond,
H. C., August 13, 1825.

At Richmond, August 17, 1825—Lawrence Kirk, of Richmond, and
Pamela Ann Gray, of Richmond; license bearing date Richmond,
H. C., August 15, 1825.

At Richmond, September 15, 1825—William Galt, of Richmond,
Rosanna Dixen, of Richmond; license bearing date City of Richmond,
September 14, 1825.

At Richmond, November 26, 1825—Burwell B. Moseley, or Norfolk,
and Martha Winston Adams, of Richmond; license bearing
date Henrico county, November 25, 1825.

At Richmond, December 1, 1825—Joseph Royall Crouch, of Richmond,
Va., Ann Elizabeth Savage, of Richmond, Va.; license bearing
date H. C. as above.

At Richmond, December 1, 1825—Thomas Macon, of —,
Virgila Savage, of Richmond; license bearing date H. C. as above.

At Richmond, December 8, 1825—Geo. B. Goddin, of Richmond,
Harriet Rebecca Smith, of Richmond; license bearing date H. C.,
December 7, 1825.

At Richmond, December 24, 1825—John Milton Fergusson, of Richmond,
Sarah Tankersley, of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico
county as above.

In Hanover county, January 12, 1826—Edward Hill, of King William


Page 239
county, and Elizabeth Govan, of Hanover county; license bearing
date Hanover county, January 9, 1826.

At Richmond, February 16, 1826—John Blair Richardson, of Richmond,
and Lavinia Washington Dandridge, of Richmond; license
bearing date Henrico county, February 15, 1826.

At Richmond, February 18, 1826—George Robinson Hazard, of
Richmond, and Ann Barnett, of Richmond; license dated Henrico
county as above.

At Richmond, March 7, 1826—George Dixon and Fanny Liggon,
free people of color; license dated Henrico county, February 13, 1826.

At Richmond, April 27, 1826—David Richeson Lacy, of Charlottesville,
and Joice Clopton Merry, of Richmond; license bearing
date Henrico county, April 27, 1826.

At Richmond, May 4, 1826—Granville Drinkard Allen, of Richmond,
Ann Eliza Collier, of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico
county, May 3, 1826.

At Richmond, July 6, 1826—William Howe Vandervoort, of Long
Island, N. Y., Patience Ruffin Morrison, of Richmond; license dated
Henrico county as above.

At Richmond, July 13, 1826—Robt. D. Murchie, of Chesterfield
county, Judith Ann Buck, of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico
county, July 12, 1826.

At Richmond, July 13, 1826—Merrill Cushing, of Richmond, Ann
Eliza Barnes, of Richmond; license bearing date City of Richmond,
July 10, 1826.

Near Richmond, November 9, 1826—Edmund Redford, of Petersburg,
Eliza Smith Blakey, of Henrico county; license bearing date
City of Richmond, July 10, 1826.

In Chesterfield county, November 16, 1826—Thomas Adkins, of
Richmond, Louisa Harris, of Chesterfield; license bearing date Chesterfield
county, November 14, 1826.

In Charles City county, November 23, 1826—John Drummond Doswell,
of Hanover county, and Lilly Ann Christian, of Charles City
county; license bearing date Charles City county as above.

At Richmond, November 25, 1826—William Christian Warren, of
North Carolina, and Harriet Innes Alexander, of Richmond; license
bearing date Henrico county, November 24, 1826.

In Powhatan county, December 7, 1826—Thomas Eleazer Burfoot,
of Manchester, and Mary Elizabeth Clarke, of Powhatan county;
license bearing date Powhatan county, December 4, 1826.

At Richmond, January 18, 1827—James Hardy, of Richmond, Mary
Howard, of Richmond; license bearing date January 17, 1827, Henrico

At Richmond, February 1, 1827—Thomas Nelson Page, of Richmond,


Page 240
and Juliann Randolph, of Richmond; license bearing date
City of Richmond, January 31, 1827.

In Hanover county, February 8, 1827—William Henry Roane, Esq.,
of Richmond, Sarah Ann Lyons, of Hanover county; license bearing
date Hanover county, February 7, 1827.

At Richmond, February 22, 1827—William Beers, of Richmond,
Margaret Fletcher, of Richmond; license dated Henrico county as

At Richmond, February 27, 1827—John Gibson Robert and Amanda
Pamela McRae, of Richmond; license dated City of Richmond as

In Chesterfield county, March 1, 1827—Blair Burwell, of Manchester,
and Delie Harris, of Chesterfield county; license dated
Chesterfield county, February 27, 1827.

Near Richmond, March 3, 1827—William Finney, of Chesterfield,
and Eliza C. Wood, of Richmond; license dated Henrico county,
March 2, 1827.

At Richmond, July 10, 1827—William D. Patten, of New York, and
Sarah Ann Alexander, of Richmond; license dated Henrico county,
July 2, 1827.

At Richmond, July 17, 1827—John McConnell, of Richmond, and
Lydia Ring, of Richmond; license dated City of Richmond, Julry 16,

At Richmond, July 26, 1827—Moses Anderson, of Petersburg, and
Mary King, of Richmond, free people of color; license dated Henrico
county, July 24, 1827.

At Richmond, July 27, 1827—Martin Atwill, of Richmond, and
Nancy Anderson, of Richmond, free persons of color; license dated
Henrico county, July 24, 1827.

Near Richmond, July 28, 1827—Henry Gibson, of Richmond, and
Rosina Constantia Holliday, of Richmond; license dated Henrico
county as above.

At Richmond, August 7, 1827—Joseph Henry Edler Garnes, of
Richmond, and Betsey Lewis, of Richmond, free persons of color;
license dated Henrico county, August 15, 1827.

At Richmond, August 22, 1827—Thomas Miller, of Richmond, and
Rebecca Johnson, of Richmond; license dated Henrico county as

At Richmond, October 2, 1827—Hugh Carr McNemara, of Richmond,
and Lucy Ann Pleasants Mayo, of Richmond; license dated
Henrico, September 29, 1827.

At Richmond, October 25, 1827—George Mayo Carrington, of Richmond,
Margaret Pickett, of Richmond; license bearing date Henrico
county as above.

No Page Number

Rev. John Buchanan, 1785-1822.

No Page Number


Page 241

At Rural Shades, Henrico county, November 22, 1827—Wm. Augustus
Baker, of Richmond, Va., Sarah Ann Lightfoot, of Henrico
county; license dated Henrico county as above.

In the old Church, Richmond, November 29, 1827—Robert Joshia
Smith, of Richmond, and Susannah Drinker, of Richmond; license
bearing date Henrico county as above.

At Union Hill, near Richmond, November 29, 1827—John Conrad
Knauff, of that place, and Susannah Clarke, of same place; license
dated Henrico county, November 27, 1827.

At Richmond, January 29, 1828—Dr. Richard Adams Carrington,
of Richmond, and Louisa Adams, of Richmond; license dated Henrico
county as above.

At Richmond, May 22, 1828—Lewis Lucas Charles, of Richmond,
and Martha Patterson Roper, of Richmond; license dated Henrico
county as above.

At Richmond, May 29, 1828—Charles Lewis Pendleton, of Richmond,
and Sarah Ann Tompkins, of Richmond; license dated Henrico
county as above.

(The records between these dates have been destroyed.)

At Richmond, May 29, 1836—By permission, Edmond Woodfin,
slave to Philip Oliver, and Dicy, slave to Elias Reed. Also by permission,
Edwin Fountain, slave to Seabroke, and Eve, slave to Mrs.
Maria Bohannan.

At Richmond, September 11, 1836—James Wilson and Nancy
Charles, free people of color; license dated Henrico county, September
9, 1836.

In New Kent county, October 18, 1836—George Hankins, of James
City county, and Mary Ann S. Savage, of New Kent; license New
Kent, October 6, 1836.

At Richmond, December 8, 1836—Richard Chalk, of Richmond,
and Maria Louisa Willey, of Richmond; license Henrico county,
December 7, 1836.

At Richmond, December 18, 1836—By consent of their masters,
Frank, slave, to Henrietta, slave of Dabney Gathright.

Near Richmond, February 2, 1837—James B. Royster, of Richmond,
and Jane C. Henshaw, of Richmond; license dated Henrico
county, January 26, 1837.

At Manchester, June 28, 1837—Alexander C. Brander, of Richmond,
and Mrs. Louisana Adkins, of Manchester; license dated Chesterfield
county, June 26, 1837.

Near Richmond, July 29, 1837—Jno. Smith and Lucy Ann Davenport,
free people of color.

At Richmond, August 8, 1837—William McLain, of Washington, D.


Page 242
C., to Maria Louisa Mosby, of Richmond; license dated Richmond,
H. C., August 7, 1837.

At Richmond, August 8, 1837—Edward Vernon Sparhawk, of Petersburg,
Eloise Warrell, of Richmond; license dated August 7, 1837.

At Richmond, October 5, 1837—David Minge, of Alabama, and
Elvira Adams, of Richmond; license dated R. H. C., October 5, 1837.

At Richmond, October 25, 1837—Patrick Henry Fitzhugh, of
Gloucester, and Hannah Maria Coalton, of Richmond; license dated
October 25, 1837.

At Presque Isle, Chesterfield county, November 22, 1837—Capt.
Paul Aurelius Clay, of Bedford county, Mary Louisa Watkins, of
Chesterfield; license dated Chesterfield county, November 20, 1837.

At Richmond, February 5, 1838—Francis B. Chewning, of Richmond,
and Mary A. M. Crawford, of Henrico county; license dated
Henrico, February 5, 1838.

At Richmond, March 8, 1838—Samuel Patterson and Lucy Barnes;
license dated Henrico county, March 8, 1838.

At Richmond, March 29, 1838—Col. Francis Wicker, of Richmond,
Lucy Ann Lipscomb, of Richmond; license dated R. H. C., March
24, 1838.

At Richmond, April 3, 1838—Nathaniel August, of Richmond, and
Saran Clopton Russell, of Richmond.

At Richmond, May 31, 1838—Wm. H. Carpenter, of Richmond, and
Mary M. Cornthwaite, of Richmond.

In St. John's Church, Richmond, June 5, 1838—Joseph D. Evans,
of Lynchburg, and Julia Ann Hart, of Richmond.

At Richmond, June 28, 1838—Dr. Miles George, of Richmond, and
Mary Frances Williamson, of Richmond.

At Richmond, August 7, 1838—John Collins McCabe, of Richmond,
and Sophie Gordon Smith, of Richmond.

At Richmond, October 23, 1838—David B. Turner, of New York,
and Susan G. Enders, of Richmond; license dated Henrico, October
23, 1838.

Married February 1, 1839—Albert, slave of Wm. Cox, and Lucinda,
slave of Samuel Sublett.

At Richmond, March 3, 1839—Matthew T. Steeds, of Richmond,
and Julia A. G. Spalding, widow, of Richmond; license dated March
2, 1839.

At Richmond, October 29, 1839—Robert Gillaim, of Prince George
county, and Charlotte Isabella Sanxey, of Richmond; license dated
H. C. as above.

At Richmond, November 6, 1839—William Green and Eliza, free
persons of color.

At Richmond, January 1, 1840—Edward Rothwell Cooper, of Richmond,
and Mary Ann Walker (widow), of Richmond.


Page 243

At Richmond, February 6, 1840—William Frederick Davis, of
Petersburg, and Martha Bohannon, of Richmond; license dated Henrico
county, February 5, 1840.

At Richmond, September 23, 1840—Emanuel Matthews, of Manchester,
and Rebecca Gray, of Richmond; license dated Henrico
county, September 21, 1840.

At Manchester, September 24, 1840—William Bradley, of Manchester,
and Jane Whitehead, of Manchester; license dated Chesterfield,
September 17, 1840.

At Richmond, October 29, 1840—Geo. Smith Palmer, of Richmond,
and Sarah Jane Enders, of Richmond; license dated Henrico county
as above.

At Richmond, January 14, 1841—William Hunter Lucke, of Richmond,
Jane Lyle Saunders, of Richmond; license dated January 13,
1841, C. H. C.

At Richmond, March 18, 1841—John Fehrman, of New Orleans,
and Cora Wooster Fehrman Jarvis, of Richmond; license dated
Richmond R. H. C., March 17, 1841.

At Richmond, August 7, 1841—Thos. Mifflin Ladd, of Richmond,
Lucy Elizabeth Cowardin, of Richmond; license dated Henrico
county, August 2, 1841.

At Richmond, December 23, 1841—Edward Lorraine, of Petersburg,
and Maria Louisa Bohannon, of Richmond; license dated Henrico
county, December 22, 1841.

At Richmond, January 25, 1842—Jos. Christian Parkinson, of Hanover
county, Ann Elizabeth Quarles, of Richmond; license dated January
24, 1842.

In St. John's Church, Richmond, February 3, 1842—James Otway
Pollard, of King William county, and Georgianna Smith, of Richmond;
license dated Henrico county, February 2, 1842.

At Richmond, April 5, 1842—Robt. James Higgins, of Richmond,
Ann Eliza Greanor, of Richmond; license dated Henrico county,
April 4, 1842.

At Richmond, June 1, 1842—George Montgomery West, of Richmond,
Evelyn Augusta Quarles, of Richmond; license dated Henrico,
June 1, 1842.

At Richmond, July 18, 1842—John Holmes, slave of Mr. Duval, of
Caroline county, Mary Ann Jones, slave of Mrs. E. Mann, of Richmond;
by permission of their master and mistress.

At Richmond, July 20, 1842—Reese Evans, of Richmond, and
Louisa Ann Cousins, of Richmond; license R. H. C., July 19, 1842.

Near Richmond, August 16, 1842—Nicholas Brown Seabrook, of
Richmond, and Cathrine Flood McCall Gordon, of Henrico county;
license dated Henrico county, August 15, 1842.


Page 244

At Richmond, September 21, 1842—Robert Wood, of Richmond,
and Patsey Bradley, of Richmond; license dated R. H. C., September
20, 1842.

At Richmond, November 2, 1842—Wm. Bryan Isaacs, of Richmond,
and Julia Lee Dove, of Richmond; license dated Henrico
county, November 1, 1842.

Marriages by Rev. Wm. F. Lee.


Aug. 5—Johnson, Geo., and Eggleston, Martha B., Amelia county.

Nov.—George, Jno., and Brown, Ann B.


Jan. 8—Henderson, Jas., and Smith, Fannie, New Kent county.

Feb. 10—Randolph, Benj. F., and Corbin, Anna B., Caroline county.

May 21—Fairfax, Dr. Orlando, and Randolph, Mary, Fluvanna

Oct. 29—Covington, Geo., and Jones, Cecelia A., (free people of

Marriages by Rev. Edward W. Peet, 1830-1833.


June 3—Collier, Edward T., and Ross, Jane Eliza.

Oct. 27—Saunders, Samuel S., and Derieaux, Eliza L.


Apr. 4—Pettus, James, and Wicker, Endora Swartewart.

Apr. 22—Brook, Geo., and Lockado, Jane.

July 14—Williams, Orrin, and Newton, Mrs. Margaret.

Oct. 4—Logan, Peter, and Cole, Aggy, free people of color.

Nov. 26—Miller, Fleming B., and Selden, Elizabeth.

Dec. 8—Wade, Thos. D., and Childers, Elizabeth.


Feb. 9—Turner, Wm. D., and Dandridge, Eliza D.

Mar. 21—Steger, Jno. S., and Mayes, Ann F., free people of color.

Mar. 31—Butler, Wm. F., and Winston, Virginia J.

May 16—Selden, Dr. Wm. A., and Riddle, Sarah A.

May 31—Minge, Geo. W. H., and Harrison, Mary H.

July 16—Stavant, Wm., and Thomas, Eliza (free people of color).

Sept. 18—Redford, Geo. R., and Male, Grace A.

Oct. 15—Adams, Innis C., and Woodward, Hannah.


Page 245


Jan. 1—Starr, Edward W., and Ruse, Elvira Ann.

Mar. 20—Palmer, Wm., and Enders, Elizabeth W.

Apr. 16—Reaves, Henry A., and Lewis, Lenora (free people of

Apr. 23—Jordon, Robt., and Francis, Sarah.

Marriages by Rev. Robt. B. Croes—1833-1836.


Nov. 7—Gathwright, Dabney, and Luke, Jane P.

Nov. 13—Welsh, Geo. E., and Fisher, Elizabeth.

Dec. 19—Trible, Geo. M., and Royster, Lucy Ann.


Jan. 1—Anderson, Jr., Wm., and Blair, Mary A. B.

Jan. 8—Bailey, Aeral, and Bee, Lavinia (free people of color).

Jan. 18—Booker, Jas., and Harris, Susan (free people of color).

Feb. 11—Pride, Jno., and Knowles, Mary A.

Apr. 15—Fisher, Jr., Jas., and Nimmo, Eliza D.

May 14—Lownes, Josiah H. D., and Sinton, Anabella.

Aug. 14—Goode, Jos., and Bennett, Mary C.

Nov. 25—Temple, Wm. H., and Gilliam, Caroline F.

Dec. 4—Marquis, Elijah, and Mangum, Mary J.

Dec. 30—Eggleston, Wm. H., and Frayser, Elvira F.


Jan. 17—Dansey, Wm., and Coghill, Elizabeth.


Jan. 14—Green, Robert, and Waters, Ann.

Marriages by Rev. J. H. Morrison.


Oct. 24—Sampson, Joseph T., and Sinton, Sally Ann.

Nov. 2—Eppes, Willie J., and Joyner, Temperance B.


Jan. 11—Terry, Benjamin, and Frances, Fitzwilson.

Jan. 12—Klapp, Joseph, and Van Lew, Anna P.

Jan. 29—Drinker, Joseph, and Bendle, Elizabeth.

Apr. 12—Merritt, Henry, and Hull, Harriet A.

May 1—Day, John C., and Mountcastle, Lucretia.

May 2—Grant, William Henry, and Mann, Amanda Cornelia.

Aug. 5—Ellett, Andrew E., and Hull, Cornelia M.

Oct. 10—Enders, John, Jr., and Forster, Mary Jane.

Dec. 11—Waring, Warner L., and Lancaster, Adelaide.


Page 246


Mar. 12—Jones, Andrew M., and Hunter, Frances S.

May 22—Mann, William G., and Jones, Elizabeth B.


Apr. 23—Marable, Thomas E., and Morrison, Mary T.

May 14—Winston, Bickerton L., and Newton, Catharine Louisa.

June 25—Furgusson, Alexander, and Henderson, Rachel (free people
of color).

Dec. 3—Berkley, Edris, and Enders, Virginia.


Jan. 21—Lathrop, Samuel P., and Pickett, Caroline C.

Feb. 1—Murray, William, and Allen, Mary Ann Elizabeth.

Aug. 18—Warren, Elijah, and Quarles, Amanda.

Sept. 2—Stearns, Franklin, and Willey, Caroline Virginia.

Oct. 7—Robinson, Poitaux, and Enders, Mary Emma.

Oct. 14—Harwood, George D., and Whitlock, Elizabeth P.

Oct. 14—Pearce, George A., and Trible, Lucy Ann (widow).

Oct. 20—Taylor, Thomas B., and Whitehead, Mary.

Nov. 2—Grant, James H., and Crenshaw, Ann Elizabeth.


Jan. 4—Stokes, Allen Y., and Picket, Margaret M.

Feb. 17—White, William F., and Greaner, Margaret S.

Mar. 9—Greaner, William, and Talbott, Sarah (widow).

Marriages by Rev. H. S. Kepler.


Oct. 22—Brown, Washington, servant to O. A. Streaker, to Emaline,
servant to Wm. Palmer.

Dec. 2—Carrington, Theodore, of Richmond, Va., to Whitall, Anna
Elizabeth, of Henrico county.


Jan. 9—Watkins, Robt., of Richmond, Va., to Michie, Cornelia V.,
of Richmond, Va.

Feb. 1—George, servant of Mr. A. Thomas, to Cora, servant of
Mrs. Sarah E. Shelton.

Mar. 29—Rice, Henry M., of Minnesota Territory, to Whitall,
Matilda, of Henrico county.

May 2—Roberts, John P., to Harrison. Fanny,

May 6—Carter, John, servant of J. W. Carter, to Martha, servant
of James Heath.

May 14—Maxwell, Patrick, to Lazenberry, Sophia (free colored


Page 247


Nov. 21—Nelson, Charles, to Allen, Sarah Ann.


Oct. 28—Davis, James, to Pleasants, Margaret H.


Jan. 29—Toler, Wm. D., to Fitzwilson, Jane.


June 8—Tighe, Richd. Henry L., to Myers, Lizzie M.

Nov. 29—Brazeal, Wm. C., to Stagg, Letitia.

Dec. 24—James, Wm. T., to George, Frances (free persons of


Jan. 24—Van Lew, John Newton, to West, Mary Carter.

May 5—Lee, Wm. A., to Satterwhite, Rachel B.

May 30—West, Edward R., to Pleasants, Henrietta Clay.

Oct. 10—Coxe, Richard S., to White, Mildred.

Nov. 25—Holmes, Claiborne, servant to R. Cauthorn, to Quarles,
Mary, servant to Mrs. Lipscomb.

Dec. 20—Harris, Morris, a free colored man, to Patience, servant
to Mrs. Mary E. Robinson.


May 15—Bible, James M., to Dove, Rosabelle.

June 5—Yerby, Lemuel, to Coutts, Jane N.

June 9—Washington, servant to L. H. Frazier, to Mary, servant
to Mrs. Bradley.

June 11—Solomon, servant of Mr. Walthall, to Martha, servant of
Mr. Loftin Ellett.

July 24—Scott, Wm. J., to Parker, E. M.

Aug. 8—Butler, Wm., to Shipley, Rachael.

Aug. 27—Starks, Charles, to Bourgoine, Margaret.

Nov. 14—Lea, David M., to Robinson, Mary E.

Dec. 20—Bell, George, to Truman, Mary A.


Jan. 17—Bradley, John W., to Whitehead, Sarah.

Jan. 17—Hoppe, Theodore, to Bodeker, Eliza L.

Feb. 6—Watson, Benjamin A., to Doienton, Martha A.

Feb. 6—Blanton, B. W. Leigh, to Wicker, Virginia L.

Apr. 15—Pedin, James W., to Whitlock, Ellen P.

Sept. 3—Smith, Hugh, to Roane, Mary Ann.

Nov. 13—Yarrington, Mathew W., to Lester, Sallie P.

Nov. 19—Cole, Edward, to Cullen, Hybernia.


Page 248

Nov. 26—Palmer, Wm. H., to Amiss, Sarah E.

Dec. 2—Crenshaw, James R., to Ellett, Ellen.

Dec. 4—Walden, Peyton R., to Weymouth, Mary D.

Dec. 17—White, William, to Newton, O. T.


Feb. 16—Beavers, Henry H., to Parsons, Miranda B.

May 5—Baldwin, Chas. J., to Ross, Virginia V.

June 10—Fallon, John J., to Stewart, Mary L.

Dec. 8—Johnson, Chas., to Talbot, Violette.

Dec. 8—Williams, Edward S., to Greanor, Lizzie.


Jan. 28—Gentry, James B., to Cole, Mary.

Feb. 11—Wilkinson, Thos. P., to Ross, Jane Eliza.

Apr. 8—Bland, John T., to Brown, Lucy.

June 3—Ellett, James D., to King, Sarah Ann.

Oct. 6—Brizzolara, J. Louis, to Fear, Emma J.

Oct. 28—Armistead, Thos. B., to Walthall, Mary.

Nov. 10—Norris, Jas. H., to Rudolph, Mary A.

Nov. 25—Bowis, Vernon A., to Lorton, Mary Louisa.


May 16—Stagg, Thos. W., to Tuck, Mary S.

July 26—Jefferson, Jos., to Elizabeth, servant of A. Y. Stokes.


Feb. 7—Pleasants, Wm. H., to West, Julia.

Marriages from February 25, 1860, to December 31, 1903.

By Rev. Jno. T. Points.


Feb. 25—Gethardt, Andreas J. (organist), and Gerhardt, Katherina

By Rev. Robt. Nelson.

Sept. 2—(Colored) Milton and Dolly. Dolly is Mr. O. P. Baldwin's
hired servant.

By Rev. Wm. C. Butler.

..Dec. 12—Stagg, William L., and Tuck, Frances.


April 3—Fitzwilson, Chas. E., and Crane, Mary E.

April 16—(Colored) Bowser, Wilson, and Mary, servants to Mrs.
E. L. Van Lew.

Dec. 22—Browning, Henry C., and Cauthon, Ella V.


Page 249


Jan. 11—Ayres, Robert, and Edman, Sophia Hudson.

Feb. 27—Penrose, Jos. B. W., and Butler, Jane Vaughan.

Feb. 27—Hawn, William, and Thompson, Mary.

By Rev. Wm. Norwood.


Aug. 19—Trice, Francis M., and Fletcher, Eliza.

Nov. 4—Duval, Leonidas, and Carman, Laura Caroline.

Nov. 27—Dunn, Richard, and Reed, Sarah Ann.


Jan. 1—(Colored) Vanlew, James, and Smith, Mary.

June 14—Newman, James, and East, Agnes.

June 24—Werne, Robert, and Farmer, Anna E.

Dec. 24—Gatewood, John F., and Haley, Ann E.


Jan. 28—Williams, Ephraim T., and Kilgrow, Anna Eliza.

Dec. 15—Andrews, Andrew J., and Parkinson, Nannie C.


Feb. 2—Rose, Robert, and Ingles, America Ann.

Feb. 15—Davis, Dr. H. Wythe, and Apperson, Mary E.

Feb. 23—Haley, George H., and Drew, Mary A.

July 4—Watkins, James S., and Clayton, Sarah J.

Aug. 16—Helms, Wm. T., and Mayo, Lucy H.

Oct. 19—Balentine, James W., and Booth, Emma J.

Nov. 23—Drew, Dr. Edward, and Points, Mrs. Elizabeth.

Nov. 29—Nolting, Alfred W., Jr., and Higgins, Miss Virginia T.

Dec. 5—Yonge, Philips, and Norwood, Antoinette H.

Dec. 28—(Colored) Green, Dandridge, and Norman, Harriet.


Jan. 1—White, Joseph, and Loyd, Georgiana.

Jan. 23—Carrington, Peyton R., and Carrington, Sarah J.

June 11—Peay, Leonidas R., and Butler, Sarah P.

July 19—Cato, Dr. John W. R., and Warenor, Isabel.

Aug. 9—Via, Joel, and Webb, Mary Coleman.

Sept. 8—Walker, Benjamin, and Graves, Winney (colored).

Oct. 30—Crenshaw, James R., and Ellett, Mary.


July 4—Stagg, Thomas W., and Brunt, Mary.

Nov. 13—Bacon, William, and Carrington, Delia.

Dec. 18—Hardwicke, Wm. W., and Sale, Sally.


Page 250


April 29—Rudolph, H. W., and Parker, Ann E.

By Rev. Henry Wall.


May 18—Smith, Warren R., and Wilkinson, Hannah E.

Nov. 11—Seay, Phil. G., and Reed, Susie St. Clair.

Nov. 17—Whitehead, John D., and Wright, Amelia.


Oct. 27—Fendley, Harrison W., and Preston, Bettie F.

Dec. 5—Meyer, Henry N., and Bagner, Melvina A.

Dec. 14—Green, John A., and Fitchett, Margaret.

Dec. 25—Bossieux, Virginius, and Bradley, Delia E.


Mar. 9—Viles, John, and Bradley, Sarah A.

April 27—Miller, F. C., and Jones, Harriet Ann.

May 25—Turpin, Jackson, and Clopton, Susan L.

Oct. 5—Davis, Thos. J., and Point, Mittie F. C.

Nov. 1—Wyatt, Joseph A., and Johnston, Nannie E.

Dec. 26—Tencer, Chas. E., and Smith, Emma J.


April 24—Hafney, William, and Howard, Ida J.

Oct. 14—Hull, Edwin A., and Herring, Martha A.


March 3—Dean, William H., and Stutz, Jennie H.

May 29—Adams, R. J., and Williams, C. A.

Sept. 25—Sinton, James, Jr., and Gibbons, Orra F.

Oct. 2—Danno, Paul, and Mundin, Nancy.

Nov. 12—Tressider, Thos., and Brown, Kate.


Jan. 1—Gary, C. F., and Tyson, F. E.

Jan. 28—Gordon, Dr. W. W., and Spraggins, Emma F.

Feb. 12—Carnell, John, and Mundin, Mary J.

Feb. 18—Taliaferro, Jas. L., and Chalk, Isabel F.

June 8—Mann, John, Jr., and Hill, Alice P.

July 28—Stutz, Fred., and Tucker, Ada W.


Jan. 11—Smith, Jacob, and Moore, Alice.

Feb. 18—Johnston, James, and Smith, Elizabeth.

Feb. 23—Jordan, Richard H., and Gilly, Lizzie M.

March 31—Mathews, Thos. J., and Voelker, Amelia.


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By. Rev. James W. Shields.


April 30—Lyon, James, and Brown, Emily F.

By Rev. Alex. W. Weddell.


Nov. 17—White, Rev. Robt., and Warren, Sallie A.

Nov. 18—Styll, Robt. E., and Halstead, Minnie D.

Dec. 8—Gretter, Fred P., and Myers, Mary V.

March 15—Tatum, Wm. H., and Ladd, Mary V.

March 22—Hughes, Richard A., and James, Dahlia Z.


Aug. 15—Saunders, Luther D., and Grubbs, Sarah E.

Aug. 23—Schoolcraft, Oliver J., and Ould, Mattie G.

Oct. 25—Hutchinson, Henry, and Abernathy, Kate M.

By Revs. Minnigerode and Weddell.


Nov. 29—Newton, Virginius, and Davenport, Mary.

By Rev. Alex. W. Weddell.


Dec. 19—Hooper, Henry DeB., and Wright, V. Jessie.


Jan. 3—Shell, Chas. A., and Morris, Virginia H.

Mar. 22—Walker, Hy. T., and Smith, Susie C.

April 19—Cunningham, Judson, and Scott, E. Mosey.

May 29—Shelton, Chas. H., and Eppes, Elizabeth D.

Oct. 14—Smith, Paul C., and Rowe, Nannie M.

Oct. 25—Morris, Austin S., and Guy, Alice J.

Nov. 8—Grooms, Nap. Bonp., and Shine, Mary H.


March 19—Davidson, Waller S., and Wynn, Alice.

April 23—Burrows, Wm. R., and Powell, H. L.

April 25—Throckmorton, Geo. H., and Collier, Edith.

May 9—Curle, Jno. N., and Hines, Evelyn.

May 30—Miller, A. McVeigh, and Davis, Mittie Points.

By Rev. C. Minnigerode and A. W. Weddell.

June 6—Palmer, W. Ben., and Nalle, Ellen.


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By Rev. Alex. W. Weddell.

Dec. 31—Rusher, Fredrick, and Creary, Rosa Lee.


Jan. 15—Slater, John H., and Badger, Laura W.

Jan. 30—Morris, Samuel B., and Mayer, Agnes E.

Feb. 5—Dunn, David C., and Sharp, Josephine M.

Feb. 25—Baine, T. H., and Old, Sue E.

May 29—Thomas, John W., and Francisco, Eva M.

June 4—Russell, John, and Cosby, Eliza.

June 12—Woods, J. Henry, and Irvin, Ada.

July 31—Reynolds, Jos. A., and Courtney, Louise D.

Sept. 18—Di Pierri, Carlo, and Florence, Mary.

Oct. 9—Kinker, John B., and Cake, Ada.

Oct. 14—Cortleyow, E. E., and Collier, Belle G.

Nov. 12—Bluet, Chas. E., and Goodman, Ella.

Nov. 13—Lamkin, Zeph. G., and Pleasants, Sallie H.

Dec. 23—King, Fleming M., and Smith, Gertrude L.

Dec. 23—Robbins, John A., and Dornin, Bettie L.


Jan. 14—Mackie, John, and Rust, Susan Agnis.

Feb. 11—Atkinson, Homer, and Peirce, Kitty O.

April 13—Murray, Wm. S., and King, Lucy F.

April 27—Mack, William, and Wonycotte, Elizabeth.

May 6—Turner, John M., and Dabney, May D.

May 18—Dillard, Wm. A., and Tills, Julia E.

June 16—Walker, Benj. J., and Poyner, Janet B.

July 1—Dennis, Ozias, and Thacker, Charlean.

Sept. 30—Welsh, William, and Goode, Ophelia.

Nov. 10—Minor, Geo. Gilmer, and Yarbrough, Ophelia.

Dec. 30—Thompson, J. M., Jr., and Dunleavy, Fannie E.


Jan. 26—Thomas, John B., Jr., and Harris, Effie P.

March 30—Gibson, William H., and Williams, Maggie J.

April 25—Wright, William B., and Venable, Martha A.

June 1—Carter, John W., and Tyree, Emma L.

July 26—Green, William E., and Murdock, Mary C.

July 26—Carlon, Alonza S., and Smith, Annie.

Nov. 2—Gayle, William, and Washer, Mary.

Nov. 3—Brown, Chas. L., and Whitehead, Lola L.

Nov. 15—Herbert, Joseph C., and Selden, Bessie B.


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Nov. 30—Haney, George, and Lipscomb, Ann E.

Dec. 3—Vaughan, George C., and Acree, Mary E.

Dec. 28—Boyken, Herbert C., and McMinn, Mary D.


Jan. 25—Stutz, J. Morsell, and Whitlock, Mattie S.

Feb. 23—Burton, W. O., and Hancock, Rosa Dove.

April 26—Crenshaw, Henry G., and Brown, Mabel V.

June 22—Bransford, Geo. E., and Davison, Sarah A. V.


Jan. 24—Anderson, M. A., and Gentry, Alice.

By Rev. L. B. Wharton.

March 13—French, Thomas J., and Phillips, Caroline.

March 28—Howell, John H., and Austin, Mollie.

By Rev. Alex. W. Weddell.

June 5—Wilboore, F. S., and Armstrong, Sarah A.

By Rev. Francis M. Burch.

Oct. 20—King, James, and Brown, Charlotte.

Nov. 15—Farinholt, Avery G., and Apperson, Mattie C.

By Rev. Lewis William Burton.


April 23—Saunders, Edmund A., Jr., and Brown, Miss Martha A.

Sept. 29—Faircloth, Robt. Turner, and Baccigalupo, Mary A.

Oct 15—Battley, George W., Jr., and Carter, Lucy L.

Nov. 12—Duke, Maston, and Childres, Rebecca.

Nov. 25—Davis, Henry Winfield, and Crump, Harriet Reynolds.


Jan. 13—Hayler, Thomas, and Webb. Jennie E. (colored).

Feb. 17—Harrison, John Prosser, and Walsh, Mollie Catharine.

March 18—Hernaman, Samuel, and Oakley, Sarah W.

April 20—Boswell, William T., and Covington, Maggie.

April 22—King, John M., and Fitzwilson, Rosa M.

April 29—Weisiger, John R., and Allen, Ruth Dean.

By Rev. Lewis W. Burton and John G. Downman.

May 20—Benson, Thomas M., and Nelms, Annie Louise.

By Rev. Lewis William Burton.

July 28—Carlton, Granville M., and Wilkinson, Ida A.

Oct. 27—Roane, Jos. Royall, and Yerby, Blanche Vernon.

Nov. 10—Mayer, John Frederick, and Sinton, Kate M.

Dec. 22—Slaughter, Philip M., and Roach, Delia A.


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March 31—Neville, Theodore G., and King, Ada I.

July 21—Tyler, Henry Magruder, and Taylor, Mary Adams.

Aug. 23—Ramey, Harry S., and Burgess, Mary J.

By Rev. Jas. B. Funsten.

Sept. 1—Boyle, Marshall Levice, and Flournoy, Amanda Maud.

By Rev. Lewis William Burton.

Oct. 19—Dorrance, Chas. S., and Lawder, Mary W.

Oct. 20—Fitz, James Edgar, and Coghlan, Mary Alice.


Feb. 10—Hansen, Christen, and Nyborg, Christine M. H.

By Rev. J. B. Newton, M. D.

June 9—Jackson, Albion Dabney, and Whitlock, Hattie Adele.

By Rev. Lewis William Burton.

Sept. 26—Perdue, Edmond J., and Miller, Mary E.

Sept. 14—Sothern, Henry F. W., and Sinton, Caroline H.

Sept. 14—Smith, Robert Morse, and Weis, Emma Myrtle.

By Rev. R. R. Howison and Lewis Wm. Burton.

Nov. 8—McMinn, George M., and Snodgrass, Fanny.

By Rev. Lewis William Burton.

Dec. 7—Witt, William A., and Hurbert, Annie L.


By Rev. W. E. Judkins and L. W. Burton.

Jan. 5—Adams, Robert Lee, and Rady, Bettie Quarles.

By Rev. Lewis William Burton.

Feb. 1—Cauthorn, Harvey W., and Fleming, Cora E.

April 5—Shuman, G. Norris., and Wood, Ida M.

June 6—Hughes, William L., and Chase, Mrs. Elizabeth.

By Rev. Pike Powers, D. D.

Aug 29—Robinson, Rev. Herbert Wm., and Freeman, Annie Emily.

By Rev. Jno. Pollard and Lewis Wm. Burton.

Oct. 16—Richardson, Edward Emmett, and Puller, Minnie Lee.

By Rev. Lewis William Burton.

Nov. 28—Lefler, Chas. J., and (Bell) Holmes, Elizabeth S.

Dec. 19—Wombwell, Lucius Barnes, and Curd, Jane Lewis.


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April 12—Lewelling, James, B., and Watkins, Marie Louise, nee

April 29—West, Charles A., and White, Mary M.

By Rev. Lewis Wm. Burton and A. B. Tizzard.

May 8—Gary, Charles Park, and Moore, Lula M.

By Rev. Lewis William Burton.

June 11—Anderson, J. Henry, and Heinz, Mamie C.

June 18—Lindseth, Oley N., and Jackson, Prudence.

June 18—De Yoe, Augustus, and Cooper, Wertie L.

June 26—Burkert, Charles, and Simmons, Daisy D.

Sept. 3—Williams, Jas. Leonard, and Powers, Lillian Estelle.

Sept. 3—Carlisle, Charles B., and Cherry, E. M. L.

Oct. 16—Clemett, Chas. Wm., and Guy, Annie May.

Oct. 22—Smith, Jno. Andrew, and Green, Mary Virginia.

Oct. 30—Russell, Charles, and Watson, Alice May.

Nov. 21—Trueman, W. Cabell, and Poindexter, May Garland.

Dec. 4—Hayward, Jno. F., and Oakley, Clara P.

Dec. 24—Zimmerman, James, and Simpson, Minnie E.

Dec. 24—North, Edward L., and Yerby, Adina Stuart.


Jan. 21—Lawton, Wm. Philip, Jr., and Waddill, Sallie Rebecca.

Jan. 22—Carr, George W., and Smither, Mary E.

Feb. 20—Gay, Archer R., and Thornton, Susie Lee.

March 26—Meech, Stephen, and Evans, Rosalie.

April 28—Rust, Albert Sidney, and King, Nannie Temple.

April 30—Alvey, Jno. Thornton, and Starke, Mary Savage.

June 12—Fletcher, Rev. Frank, and Carpenter, Virginia Guion.

Aug. 21—Williams, Alex. W., and Priestland, Mrs. Indie.

Sept. 1—Smith, Benjamin F., and Lowry, O. Anne.

Sept. 2—Anthony, David J., and (Long) Miller, Mrs. Helen P.

Sept. 3—Froman, Jno. Joseph, and McGuffin, Eva Marion.

By Rev. J. Peterkin, D. D., and L. W. Burton.

Sept. 30—McCarthy, Dr. Edward, and Anthony, Deborah Couch.

By Rev. Lewis William Burton.

Oct. 28—Bonney, Walter Lewis, and Fendley, Elizabeth Douglas.

Nov. 20—Godfrey, Benj. Franklin, and White, Clara Elizabeth.


Jan. 8—Hatton, Edward, Jr., and (Mack) West, Mrs. Emma Florence.


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Feb. 4—Parrott, Wm. Jefferson, and Coghlan, Maggie Elizabeth.

Feb. 10—Richardson, David C., and Hechler, Florence Buford.

April 8—White, Alfred Nelson, and Coghlan, Nora Lee.

April 29—Des Portes, Hippolyte Valmont, and McLauchlan, Lillian

June 10—Lucy, Calvin H., and Tompkins, Blanche.

July 1—Price, Robert J., M. D., and Lester, Emma J.

Sept. 1—Hopper, George H., and Flournoy, Bettie W.

Oct. 7—Monteiro, Moses Tredway, and Allen, Fannie Harvey.

Oct. 7—Hawkins, R. Benj., and Miller, Lida.

By Rev. Lewis Wm. Burton and Rev. Geo. Cooper.

Oct. 14—Cooley, Roger A. P., and Davis, Hattie G.

By Rev. Lewis William Burton.

Dec. 16—Winston, Thomas J., and Schools, Kittie E.


Jan. 8—Moore, Bony W., and Hall, Mrs. Lucy.

Feb. 25—Sydnor, G. Milton, and Smith, Nora L.

April 6—Wheatfield, Lawrence C., and Baer, Edith C.

April 20—Face, Walter E., and Shine, Egmont Schermerhorn.

By. Rev. C. R. Kuyk.

April 20—Dillon, Stephen Eli, and Acree, Enolia Virginia.

By Rev. Lewis William Burton.

April 21—Hartman, Harry Buxton, and Jackson, Beatrice Irene.

April 27—Park, Robert Emory, and Stewart, Mrs. Emily Courtney.

By Rev. J. B. Newton.

June 2—Thompson, Herbert Dorr, and Sedgwick, Eva Kate.

By Rev. Lewis William Burton.

June 15—Huxter, J. Floyd, and Waddill, Emma Cabell.

June 27—Whitman, Robert Henry, and Jones, Effie V.

July 3—Day, Edward T., and Piacentini, Mrs. (Fazioli) Madalena.

By. Rev. C. R. Kuyk.

Aug. 20—Davis, Marcus R., and Anderson, Mattie L.

By Rev. Lewis Wm. Burton.

Sept. 27—Currie, Robert, and Farrar, Bell Vest.

By. Rev. C. R. Kuyk.

Oct. 12—Goodman, Wm. T., and Woody, Mrs. Mary S.


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By Rev. Lewis Wm. Burton.

Nov. 1—Locke, Samuel D., and Allen, Mrs. Sarah E. C.

Nov. 2—Johns, William T., and Wade, Rosetta.

Dec. 5—Thacker, Samuel Walker, and Rohleder, Mary Elizabeth.

Dec. 6—Fitzwilson, James Edward, and Butler, Lula Seabrook.

Dec. 6—Overby, Wm. Gilbert, and Smith, Iramenta.


Jan. 4—Cake, Henry Oscar, and Andrews, Arabella Williams.

March 28—Dudley, Wilber G., and Byrd, Kate C.

April 4—Saunders, Wm. Bailey, and Jackson, Juliet Powers.

April 15—Meisner, Chas. Frederick Lewis, and Acheson, Harriet

April 17—Chase, Charles H., and Green, Helen.

By. Rev. C. R. Kuyk.

June 8—White, Henry, and Butler, Florence.

July 27—George, Greva D., and Smith, Emma Florence.

Aug. 2—Schwartz, Isaac, and Watkins, Lucy B.

Sept. 20—Fristoe, George P., and James, Maud M.

Oct. 10—Stagg, William Lee, and Wild, Alice.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin.

Oct. 18—Hardwicke, Walford W., and Jackson, Elizabeth P.


Feb. 6—Landerkin, Ansel D., and Fergusson, Virginia D.

By Rev. Dr. Cooper and R. A. Goodwin.

April 25—Curtis, J. Taylor Wood, and Kates, Mary Virginia.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin.

May 31—Scott, Albert M., and Hinds, Martha E.

June 26—Schmidt, J. Henry, and Mountcastle, Relee B.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin and A. B. Tizzard.

Oct. 9—Franklin, Clarence J., and Moore, N. Alice.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin.

Nov. 15—Siegel, Charles L., and Baker, Grace B.

Nov. 26—Minson, James E., and Stagg, Emma L.

Nov. 26—Scammel, John W., and Stagg, Mary E.


June 20—Sears, Robert L., and Baker, Mattie V.

Oct. 24—Bowers, John C., and Valentine, Jennie B.

Nov. 11—Talman, Jessie B., and King, Maud V.

Dec. 10—Edwards, Dudley P., and Taliaferro, Clara V.


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By Rev. R. A. Goodwin and Rev. Geo Vanderslice.

Jan. 7—Woolridge, Joseph L., and Holdsworth, Mamie L.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin.

Feb. 5—Jarman, George R., and Muir, M. Gertrude.

May 13—Volmer, Edwin W. P., and Loterzo, Annie T.

May 28—Bryant, Oscar J., and Wharton, Susan.

Oct. 28.—Smithers, Edmond T., and Walton, Hennie B.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin, J. Y. Dobbins and Dr. Cooper.

Nov. 18—Charleton, Jno. Robert, and Curtis, Hylah.


By Rev. R. A. Goodwin.

April 29—Whitehurst, Nath'l E., Jr., and Hicks, Hattie Britton.

June 9—Coleman, Clarence D., and French, S. Virginia.

June 15—Sydnor, Ashley Redford, and Rowlett, Fannie Gill.

July 13—Partin, William P., and Gresham, Dorinda.

Oct. 7—Cussen, Edward J., and Johnson, Katie D.

Oct. 12—Brown, Harry P., and Savage, Blanche M.

Oct. 21—Slaughter, Walter F., and Miller, Virginia G.

Oct. 27—Black, Harry A., and James, Sallie Lee.

Nov. 30—Tompkins, Verner Clifton, and Smith, Nellie Hamilton.


Jan. 5—Sheppard, Ogden H., and Pate, Eva G.

Feb. 24—Hicks, Rowe, and Tenser, Irene M.

April 27—Rogers, Arthur G., and Richardson, Nellie K.

May 12—Perkinson, James S., and Tenser, Nellie G.

Nov. 9—Anderson, St. Geo. Mason, and Waddell, Penlope Wright.

Dec. 20—Richardson, Joseph D., and Manonia, Blanche Estelle.

Dec. 29—Yarbrough, James E., and Johnson, Emma F.


Jan. 25—Jackson, Joseph E., and Harte, Annie E.

Jan. 25—Tompkins, William F., and Harrison, Ann Tate.

March 8—Atwell, Thos. Melvin, and Baylor, Lizzie H.

April 5—Hoenniger, Frederick C., and Cooper, Hallie E.

April 6—Champlin, Ralph A., and Comstock, Frances L.

Sept. 9—Wilkinson, William A., and Moss, Rose M.

Nov. 6—Lomax, Azrial N., and Gentry, Martha G.

Nov. 7—Beasley, William H., and Meeks, Estelle M.

Nov. 16—Cocks, S. Owen, and Burnett, Lottie C.

Nov. 22—Faulkner, John, and Booth, Annie R.

Nov. 29—Meek, Charles E., and Saunders, Ruth E.


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Jan. 16—Bell, Wm. Hirst, and Smith, Annie Lee.

By Rev. E. B. Snead.

Feb. 22—Vick, Charles, and Dowdan, Mary Susan.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin.

July 3—Franck, Albert E. W., and Steigleder, Sadie E.

Oct. 18—Wilkinson, Herbert L., and Stagg, Victoria M.

Nov. 14—Fraker, George H., and Ramey, Mrs. Mary J.

Nov. 27—Rowlett, Joseph H., Jr., and Middleton, Lillian L.


Jan. 23—Burrow, Nathaniel H., and Harrison, Alice J.

March 2—Pilcher, Robert M., and Southern, Harriott S.

April 8—Hobson, Allie H., and Ranie, Fannie J.

By. Rev. Jno. G. Scott and R. A. Goodwin.

April 30—Taylor, Harvey L., and Scott, Lula Virginia.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin.

May 8—Marshall, Thos. S., and Martin, Susie J.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin and Rev. Geo. Cooper.

June 5—Allen, Lindsey W., and McLauchlan, Mary R.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin.

June 19—Miller, Ludwell L., and Richardson, Violet R.

June 25—Brooks, Charles A., and Maynes, Mary Louise.

By Rev. E. B. Snead.

Aug. 25—Wright, Earl H., and Calvert, Lula Anna.

Sept. 5—Fontaine, Berthier M., and Hankins, Mary D.

Nov. 4—Emmerson, Frederick James, and Miskell, Eva Claiborne.

Nov. 21—Drinker, J. Clifford, and Lester, Clara W.

Nov. 28—Smith, Andrew L., and Noll, Henrietta K.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin.

Dec. 27—Hobson, Archer M., and Woodson, Daisy Hill.


Feb. 6—Rudd, William B., and Prosser, Margaret W.

Feb. 11—Brown, Dr. Frank L., and Bailey, Jessie M.

Feb. 13—Webster, Richard, and Dodson, Virginia.

March 12—Hunt, George W., and Vaughan, Ida H.

April 24—Gates, Richard, and Bassinger, Josephine.

June 3—Osborne, Elbert K. P., and Wallace, Joyce W.

June 4—Hope, Ollie C., and Wade, Pearl A.

June 19—Moore, William O., and Yeager, Mary Matilda.

June 21—Bass, Henry C., and Moore, Nannie.

June 25—Cooper, Norman H., and Fulks, Susie J.


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By Rev. E. B. Snead.

July 26—Slater, William H., and Sutton, Pauline E.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin.

Oct. 15—McGuffin, Charles J., and Turner, Laura A.

Nov. 12—Shepherd, B. Morgan, and Prosser, G. Louise.

Nov. 19—Campbell, Ben. J., and Nuchols, Alexina B.

Nov. 19—Henry, Sylvanus M., and Williams, Ida M.

Nov. 19—Lamkin, Anderson E., and Ford, Bernie.

Dec. 10—Cake, Edward E., and Lotsey, Mary A.

Dec. 11—Day, Ira E., and Lester, Sallie C.

By Rev. John G. Scott.

Dec. 10—Lumsden, Geo. Harper, and Scott, Bessie G.


By Rev. R. A. Goodwin.

Feb. 5—Jackson, Joseph E., and Mullen, Laura E.

April 2—Ardan, Nicholas I., and Roberts, Minnie C.

May 11—Allen, Richard M., and Crittenden, Lula P.

June 17—Walcott, Andrew J., and James, Okie R.

June 20—Lally, James E., and Throckmorton, Maude W.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin and Rev. W. E. Evans, D. D.

June 29—Bray, Reginald, and Braxton, Lucy Skelton.

By Rev. R. A. Goodwin.

July 15—Goode, Abner C., and Knight, Ida H.

Sept. 24—Vick, Charles, and Johnson, Mary.

Sept 30—Hirschberg, John, and Bailey, Mary E.

Oct. 21—Barlow, Maurice, and Williams, Sophia.

Nov. 24—Davis, John A., and Nichols, Mary S.

Dec. 1—Frischkorn, Samuel B., and Mountcastle, Lula F.