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[My dear Redeemer, and my God]

My dear Redeemer, and my God,
I stake my soul on Thy free grace;
Take back my interest in Thy blood,
Unless it stream'd for all the race:
I stake my soul on this alone,
Thy blood did once for all atone.
Gracious and True, set to Thy seal,
Preach the glad tidings to my heart;
Now let my new-born spirit feel
Pure universal love Thou art;
In mine, in all our bosoms move,
And testify that God is love.
Enlarge my heart to all mankind,
The purchase of Thy dying groans;
O let me by this token find
They all are Thy redeemed ones;
For if I loved whom God abhorr'd,
The servant were above his Lord.
Thus let me Thy free mercy prove
To all who Thy pure truths oppose;
If I my fiercest foes can love,
If I, to save my fiercest foes,
To die myself would not deny,
For whom couldst Thou refuse to die?
Dear dying Lord, thy Spirit breathe,
Kindle in us the living fire;
Jesu, conform us to Thy death,
The fulness of Thy life inspire;


O manifest in us Thy mind
Benevolent to all mankind.
Now, Lord, into our souls bring in
Thine everlasting righteousness;
A period make of guilt and sin,
And call us forth Thy witnesses,
That all mankind with us may prove
Thy infinite and perfect love.