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[Dost Thou not, Lord, with pity see]

When He saw the multitudes, He was moved, &c. —ix. 36.

Dost Thou not, Lord, with pity see
Multitudes that know not Thee,
Or where for help to fly?
They cannot find the good they want,
Poor wandering souls, with hunger faint
And at the point to die.
Compassion for a dying race
First inclined the God of grace
To undertake our cause:
And still those yearning bowels move,
Which drew Thee from Thy throne above,
Which brought Thee to Thy cross.


The sheep Thou hast redeem'd of old,
Now to sin and Satan sold
Into Thine arms receive,
(For Thou the tender Shepherd art,)
And pastors after Thy own heart
To Israel's outcasts give.
Shepherds, and chosen labourers raise,
Freely to impart Thy grace,
And feed the flock of God;
Patient in all Thy steps to move,
And more than their own lives to love
The purchase of Thy blood.