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My heart is high as the day is clear,
As the wind in the wood that blows;
My heart is high with a mood that 's cheer,
And glows like a sun-blown rose.
My heart is high, and up and away
Like a bird in the skies' deep blue;
My heart goes singing through the day,
As glad as a bee i' the dew.
My heart, my heart is high; its beat
Is wild as the scent o' the wood,
The wild sweet wind, with its pulse of heat,
And its musk of blossom and bud.
My heart is high; and it leads my feet
Where the sense of summer is full,
To woods and waters where lovers meet
To hills where the creeks run cool.


My heart is one, is one with the heart,
With the joy o' the bee that comes
And sucks i' the flowers, that dip apart
For his dusty body that hums.
My heart is glad as the glad redstart,
The flame-flecked bird, the spotted bird,
Whose lilt my soul has got by heart,
Fitting each note with a word.
God's love! I tread the wind and air!
Am one with the hoiden wind;
And the stars that swim in the blue, I swear,
Right soon in my hair I'll find.
To live high up, a life o' the mist,
With the cloud-things in white skies,—
With their limbs of pearl and of amethyst,—
That laugh cerulean eyes!
To creep and to suck, like an elfin thing,
In the aching heart of a rose;
In the bluebell's ear to cling and swing,
And whisper what no one knows!
To live on wild-honey, as fresh, as thin
As the rain that 's left in a flower!


And roll forth, golden from feet to chin,
In the pollen's Danaë-shower!
Or free, bird-hearted, bend back the throat,
With a vigorous look at the blue,
And launch from my soul one wild, true note,
Is the thing that my heart would do!
God's life! the blood o' the earth is mine!
And the mood o' the earth I'll take,
And brim my soul with her wonderful wine,
And sing till my heart doth break!