University of Virginia Library


[Unclean, of life and heart unclean]

A woman, which was diseased with an issue, &c. —ix. 20, 21.

Unclean, of life and heart unclean,
How shall I in His sight appear!
Conscious of my inveterate sin
I blush and tremble to draw near;


Yet through the garment of His word
I humbly seek to touch my Lord.
The smallest things, the weakest means,
The mournful fast, the plaintive prayer,
His sanctifying power dispense,
His efficacious grace confer,
And through His sacramental clothes
The healing emanation flows.
Yet not in outward veils of grace,
But in Himself the virtue lies,
The' infusion of His righteousness
This fountain of corruption dries;
And sure as I in Christ believe,
I shall a perfect cure receive.