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June 21-27
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June 21-27

At church and have such a beautiful sermon from Bishop Gilmer ....A new sermon and a very fine one too. A letter from Lydia. She wants to come up. John leaves Monday morning. Wednesday Jabe and I go down to see Sister Mary. Carry Annie a big doll. She is so pleased. We return again on Friday after taking a peep at Aunt Sally and Cousin Fannie Hart. I'm introduced to the young rebel-Alice's baby. He is Jimmy [Lewis] in miniature ....Much excitement about Yankee raids. We hear Richmond is in danger from a force which is coming up by The Peninsula. They have really burnt the bridge across the South Anna River on the Central Rail Road. Expected Prissie, Mac and Emily up on Saturday but they did not come. Don't know whether the weather, it was a bad day, or Yankees stopped them ....