University of Virginia Library

iii. In Sr. P. d. R.

Great Paragon, of Poets richest Pearle,
Beneath the artick circles statlie pole
Abut quoes point the sphears of knouledge role,
The magnes of al mynds, ear-charming Mearle;
The perfumd cabinet quher muses duel,
Enameling neu-found skyes vith starres of gold,
Quher Pallas vith the free-borne queens enrold,
And beutie, stryffs it selff for to excel.
Farre-virthier Orpheus then they quho suel
Vith sacred Pegasus azure streames,
Or he quho brocht from Heauen the fyrie beames:
Mor fit for Pho̧bus Bay then Phebus sel.
Thy perfyt praises if the vorld vold vrit
Must haue againe thy selff for to end it.