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Scene III.—The Palace at Rouen.

Fitz-Urse, William de Tracy, Richard Brito, Hugh de Moreville, courtiers and ladies.
As good as dead!

De Tracy.
The three-days'-strangled dog
But fouls the air: his bark is heard no more.


At Sens the Sacred College frowned upon him;
The Pope disfrocked him; forth he fled by night
To mate him with the antipope: to-day
He lies in dungeon bound.

Some swear he's mad;
I think he's wedded.

De More.
No; though secularised;—
He keeps a Flemish farm.

(to De Broc, entering).
What news from home?
Some three weeks since you won the king's permission
To drive that traitor's kin from England's shores.

De Broc.
I bide my time. When winter snows fall fast

That vermin brood shall face it.

Month by month
His hate grows stronger.

Ay, there's cause for that.

The ravished Church lands and the heiress 'scaped?

And cause beside. On some pretence of law
De Broc drave forth Idonea from the house
Of Becket's sister, Becket three months primate:
The maid took sanctuary in Canterbury.
Instant they sued her as a royal ward;
Judgment against her went. The day had come,
And round the minster knights and nobles watched:
The chimes rang out at noon: then from the gate
Becket walked forth, the maiden by his side;—
Ay, but her garb conventual showed the nun!
They frowned, but dared no more. The king was wroth,


And yet in part amused. De Broc rushed in
With face storm-black. Henry burst forth in laughter;
The infection spread—we laughed till heaven's broad vault
Laughed back to hear us. Well, De Broc's my friend:—
There's reason good that hate in him should prosper.