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Sec. 358. Marshy ground and stagnant water.

If, upon any ground in this city there be found a drain or running
water, the owner thereof, or abutting property owners, shall
be required to keep the same clean, free and unobstructed from
filth, garbage, or vegetation. If stagnant water, or a marshy place,
shall be found upon any premises in the city, the owner thereof
shall be required to drain such stagnant water or fill such marsh
within thirty days from notification by the Board of Health.

Upon failure to comply, the Mayor is hereby authorized to have
such stagnant water drained and such marshy place filled at the
expense of the city, and may collect the expense for so doing from
the owner or occupier of the property in like manner as taxes due
from him to the city would be collected, with twenty per centum
on such amount as a fine.