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The Works of The Ettrick Shepherd

Centenary Edition. With a Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. Thomas Thomson ... Poems and Life. With Many Illustrative Engravings [by James Hogg]

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Bonnie Jean.


Tune—“Prince William Henry's Delight.”

Sing on, sing on, my bonnie bird,
The sang ye sang yestreen, O,
When here, aneath the hawthorn wild,
I met my bonnie Jean, O.
My blude ran prinklin' through my veins,
My hair began to steer, O;
My heart play'd deep against my breast,
As I beheld my dear, O.
O weels me on my happy lot!
O weels me on my dearie!
O weels me on the charmin' spot,
Where a' combin'd to cheer me!
The mavis liltit on the bush,
The lavrock on the green, O;
The lily bloom'd, the daisy blush'd,
But a' was nought to Jean, O.
Sing on, sing on, my bonnie thrush,
Be neither flee'd nor eerie;
I'll wad your love sits in the bush,
That gars ye sing sae cheerie:
She may be kind, she may be sweet,
She may be neat an' clean, O;
But oh she's but a drysome mate,
Compared wi' bonnie Jean, O.


If love would open a' her stores,
An' a' her bloomin' treasures,
An' bid me rise, and turn, and choice,
An' taste her chiefest pleasures;
My choice wad be the rosy cheek,
The modest beaming eye, O;
The yellow hair, the bosom fair,
The lips o' coral dye, O.
A bramble shade around her head,
A burine poplin' by, O;
Our bed the swaird, our sheet the plaid,
Our canopy the sky, O.
An' here's the burn, an' there's the bush
Around the flowery green, O;
An' this the plaid, an' sure the lass
Wad be my bonnie Jean, O.
Hear me, thou bonnie modest moon!
Ye sternies twinklin' high, O!
An' a' ye gentle powers aboon,
That roam athwart the sky, O!
Ye see me gratefu' for the past,
Ye saw me blest yestreen, O;
An' ever till I breathe my last
Ye'll see me true to Jean, O.