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Scene II.—The Palace at Sens.
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Scene II.—The Palace at Sens.

Pope Alexander III. in consistory with the cardinals. Becket, Herbert of Bosham, and other English priests. The Abbot of Pontigny.
Most holy father, vicar of our Lord,
And ye the princely senate of the Church,
I have too long your patience taxed: I deemed
That, kings impugning, I was bound in honour
To impugn my proper sin at Clarendon,
And justice do to him who did me wrong.
His ‘Royal Customs,’ new compared with her
Whose years are from of old, have precedents
Which show but late their teeth. Abuse was borne
When tyrants played the kitten, not the tiger.
To make exception law, concede of right
Whate'er old time, enforced or heedless, suffered,
This were to wrest the past by fraudulent gloss
As heretics wrest Scripture.

The Pope.
Justly reasoned—
The Church might trust the king that served the Church
Like Charlemagne: Antiochus, or Herod
Shall have his right;—not more!

I grant this also:
O'er-ripe corruption breeds foretold disease:
Church wealth abounds; it brought the hireling first;


It brings the spoiler now.

Card. Will.
My lord archbishop,
Though young in the episcopate, is wise;—
‘Where lies the carcase, there the eagles flock:’
Noting that truth, his Grace would share Church lands
With nobles and with kings.

My lord, not so!
In troubled days like these, if bandit barons
Fierce from the cup, rode forth o'er waste and wild
All unconfronted by the Church's barons
Like them large-landed, and with knights in train,
The landless priest should keep not his own skin.
We must not yield to wrong.

Card. Will.
I understand not:
My lord the archbishop late at Clarendon
Connived, he said—

The Pope.
Brother, forbear that theme!
The primate made the Christian expiation
In sackcloth and in ashes forty days.

My lord went later to a second council:
Of that he hath not spoken;—bid him speak.

The Pope.
What council?

At Northampton it was held:
There, fooled no longer, I denounced those Customs
Whereof last eve I laid the list new-writ
For judgment at your footstool.

The Pope.
I have read them.
Six might be borne, though bad: the rest are impious;
Servile to kings, seditious 'gainst the Church:
Well skilled they all lead up to one—the worst—
They bar appeal to this most Holy See,
My glory which I yield not to another,


The safety of the meanest of Christ's flock.
That great appeal removed, by secular hands
The arteries of the Church were knotted up,
Yea, and to fragments torn that sacred body
Whose life is in the whole. For this cause, God
Diffused among realms one single Church,
That unity might be its life's true pledge,
A thing too vast to be engorged by any.
That Church enslaved, what next? The Faith must vanish!
For on the Church's witness rests the truth,
And if that Church be stifled in the embrace
Of any fleshly realm—engulfed—absorbed—
Who shall receive her words?

Card. Will.
Yea verily,
From the whale's belly when the prophet speaks
Who hears is quick of ear.

The Pope.
The realm thus sinning
Ere long shall be partaker with the worm;
The blind-worm is its sister, and corruption
Its mother, and the dust its winding-sheet;
For power, earth-born, shall back once more to earth.
O witless kingdoms! scorn ye then that kingdom,
Forth from whose womb ye issued—still your stay,
The sole not born from mortal lust or pride;
The kingdom of one God in Persons Three;
The kingdom of the creed and of the prayer;
The kingdom of commandments just and wise;
The kingdom of the three great Virtues winged
Which gaze on heaven; the eight Beatitudes
Which walk the earth disguised, sowing God's joy;
The Sacraments, those seven great gates of God
Betwixt the worlds of spirit and flesh;—the kingdom
Wherein God's angels wait upon His poor,


And all men share one good! Enough of this
My son, what saith your England to these Customs?

I deem the people sound: gravely they love
Their ancient laws and immemorial freedom.
The nobles, save the noblest, back the king:
Their faith is flawless; but too lax their manners
To love a righteous law.

The Pope.
How stand your clergy?

The poor are true, the rich are panic-stricken:
We have corruptions: I had hoped ere long
To have pruned the worst away:—they grow and flourish:
My sin has found me out!

The Pope.
Your sin? What sin?

The king, who willed that I should be archbishop,
Was urgent with the Canterbury monks:
They raised no plaint; yet some denied their freedom:
More late I too had doubts. To break my staff
In danger's hour had been a coward's part:
The danger's past; this hour I lodge that staff
In the strong hand of Peter's successor;
Be his to make decision.

[The cardinals converse among themselves.
Card. Will.
Holy Father,
Methinks the island prelate judges well,
Yea, and with prudence of the lands most seasoned:
He speaks more sagely than King Henry's envoy
Whose Latin raised, last eve, a passing smile.
King Henry's wrath once lulled—

The Pope.
It shall not be!
The Church gives honour—this the world should know—


To those who honour her. This English primate
Who chides himself for lacking angel's heart,
Witnessed a man's heart in the Church's war;
She shall not fail him. Fit he is for rule:
His valour proved it, and his meekness proved it,
Bearing from one that served him just rebuke
As Peter bare from Paul, and, since his time,
Popes many in this chair from humblest teachers.
Brother, resume your charge, and reign once more
Where reigned of old Augustine. For this fight,
Which shall not prove a flying season's sport,
All qualities are yours, save one—discretion.
Your life was long a life of courts, and camps,
And splendours of this world: at Pontigny,
A holier seat, find rest. Its reverend abbot
Will give you welcome.

Abbot of Pon.
Happy house is ours,
Welcoming a confessor!

The fast monastic,
The ascetic garb, and labour in the fields
Teach me humility!

The Pope.
You shall not miss it;
Your sacred habit be it mine to send:
It shall be honest serge.