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[O 'tis enough, my God, my God!]

O 'tis enough, my God, my God!
Here let me give my wanderings o'er,
No longer trample on Thy blood,
And grieve Thy gentleness no more;
No more Thy lingering anger move,
Or sin against Thy light and love.
I loathe myself in my own sight,
Adjudge my guilty soul to hell:
How could I do Thee such despite,
So long against Thy love rebel,
Despise the riches of Thy grace,
And dare provoke Thee to Thy face!
But O! if mercy is with Thee,
Now let it upon me be shown,
On me, the chief of sinners, me,
Who humbly for Thy mercy groan:
Me to Thy Father's grace restore,
Nor let me ever grieve Thee more.
Fountain of unexhausted love,
Of infinite compassion, hear!
My Saviour and my Prince above,
Once more in my behalf appear:
Repentance, faith, and pardon give;
O let me turn again, and live!
But if my gracious day is past,
And I am banish'd from Thy sight,
When into outer darkness cast,
My Judge, I'll own, hath done me right,


Adore the Hand whose stroke I feel,
Nor murmur when I sink to hell.
No dire decree of Thine is here,
That pre-ordain'd my damn'd estate;
Jesus the Merciful I clear,
Jesus the Just I vindicate;
He swore He would not have me die:
Why, sinner, wilt thou perish, why?
Because I would not come to Him,
That I His proffer'd life might have:
Jesus was willing to redeem,
I would not suffer Him to save.
I now His truth and justice prove,
I now am damn'd, but God is love.
O God, if Thou art love indeed,
Let it once more be proved in me,
That I Thy mercy's praise may spread,
For every child of Adam free;
O let me now the gift embrace,
O let me now be saved by grace.
If all long-suffering Thou hast shown
On me, that others may believe;
Now make Thy loving-kindness known,
Now the all-conquering Spirit give,
Spirit of victory and power,
That I may never grieve Thee more.
Grant my importunate request;
It is not my desire, but Thine:
Since Thou wouldst have the sinner blest,
Now let me in Thine image shine;


Nor ever from Thy footsteps move,
But more than conquer in Thy love.
Be it according to Thy will;
Set my imprison'd spirit free,
The counsel of Thy grace fulfil;
Into the glorious liberty
My spirit, soul, and flesh restore,
And I shall never grieve Thee more.