University of Virginia Library

This I believe, who oft-times have foreseen
Contingent things, that have unlikely been:
And, though for this, I may be flouted more
Than for the like expressions heretofore,
And more in hazard; I am not afeard
To let them any where, be seen or heard,
Nor will be discontent with him who shall
Conceive of me, as Festus did of Paul;
For, I expect not, that Grapes can be born
Upon a Thistle, or Figs on a Thorn.
And though the Scorners ask to what intent
I have compos'd this Ribble-rabblement,
(As they will call it) I, will tell them why,
In meekness, that they may as well as I
Be thereby profited; and (if their pride,
Obstruct it not) lay prejudice aside.