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[Father of Jesus Christ the Just]

Father of Jesus Christ the Just,
My Friend and Advocate with Thee,
If I have sinn'd, in Him I trust,
Who ever lives to pray for me:
Behold the Lamb! for me He bleeds,
For me His great atonement pleads!
For all the sins of all mankind
He once a perfect offering made,
For all His precious life resign'd,
For all a bleeding ransom paid:
He bow'd His head upon the tree;
'Tis finish'd! He hath died for me!


This last, and every sin of mine,
Did He not in His body bear?
Was it not purged with blood Divine?
Behold the bond hangs cancell'd there!
'Tis nail'd to the accursed wood,
'Tis blotted out with Jesu's blood.
The sin on Him which was not laid,
For which He hath not satisfied,
Punish it, Father, on my head,
Here let it with Thy wrath abide;
But if He paid my utmost pain,
Thou canst not ask the debt again.
Lo, in the gap my Surety stands,
To turn away Thy vengeful ire!
Am I not written on His hands?
What can Thy justice more require?
No other sacrifice I seek;
Thou hear'st the blood of sprinkling speak.
It speaks me justified from all
My sins, in thought, or word, or deed;
It speaks my soul redeem'd from thrall,
From sin and Satan's prison freed;
It speaks into my heart a power
Which makes me more than conqueror.
Father, behold Thy favourite Son,
And hear Him for His murderer pray:
The face of Thine anointed One
I know Thou canst not turn away;
I leave the cause to Him and Thee,
Give me the thing He asks for me!