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Peter Calvert Leary, is a Marylander by birth and is
a son of Thomas H. H. and Emily (Neilson) Leary. He
was born in Baltimore, Maryland, September 6th, 1850,
being a lineal descendant
illustration of Lord Baltimore.
His early education was
obtained in the public
schools of Baltimore and
was finished at Loyola
College. He then entered
the wholesale drug
business in Baltimore,
with John Leary, an
uncle. This was during
the Civil War, and
after two years he entered
the banking house
of William Fisher & Sons
where he remained for
three years, when he
became Paying Teller of
the Central National
Bank of Baltimore, with
which financial institution he remained until it passed
out of existence.

In 1873 he was made Cashier of Locust Point Station,
it being the Baltimore Terminal of the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad, and was afterwards promoted as Head
Bookkeeper for the same corporation. After eight
years with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, he accepted
a position with the Northern Central Railroad, a part
of the Pennsylvania system, which he held for three
years before coming to Roanoke, Virginia, on July 10th,
1883, where he became identified with the Norfolk &
Western Railway and has been constantly in the service
of that railway for more than twenty-eight years. For
twenty-four years he has been Chief Motive Power
Clerk, which not only involves the duties of Chief
Clerk to Superintendent of Motive Power, but he is in
charge of all clerical forces in the Mechanical Department
and is practically the Auditor of all mechanical

He is a Republican in politics, and at one time was a
candidate for the Mayoralty of Roanoke, receiving a
most flattering vote in which he reduced the normal
Democratic majority by one half.

The Leary family has been prominent in Army and
Navy circles and the Legislative Halls of the Country
for many years. C. L. L. Leary, an uncle of the subject
of this sketch, was elected to Congress on the Republican
Ticket in Maryland at the outbreak of the Civil
War; while his oldest son, Richard P. Leary joined the
Navy at about the same time and attained the rank of
Rear Admiral before his death, which occurred three
years ago. His second son, at the beginning of the
Civil War joined the United States Army and died six
months ago, having attained the rank of Brigadier
General. Thomas H. Leary, father of Peter C. Leary,
was Cashier of the United States Sub-Treasury at
Baltimore, Maryland, which position he held under all
administrations for a period of thirty-three years.

Mr. Leary has devoted much time and attention to
music and since coming to Roanoke has been connected
as singer and choirmaster with a number of the choirs
and musical organizations of the city. He organized
the vested choir of St. John's Episcopal Church and
conducted the music for this congregation for five years;
had charge of the music at the dedication of both the
old and new St. Andrew's Catholic Churches; was
director of the musical program at the Decennial Celebration
in 1892; placed several operas on the stage in
Roanoke with amateur talent, and has been the head
and front of the musical talent of the city throughout
his term of residence.

On November 6th, 1873, he married Mary Greanor
Barnitz, daughter of A. H. and Amelia (Whitmarsh)
Barnitz of Baltimore, Maryland. Two children were
born to bless this union; namely, Florence Calvert
Leary, married Dr. M. C. Boyden of North Carolina,
and resides at New Castle, Virginia; and Emily Neilson
Leary, married H. D. Hodgson, Civil Engineer of Norfolk,
Virginia, and resides at Montreal, Canada, where
her husband is connected with the Dominion Bridge