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The Works of Peter Pindar [i.e. John Wolcot]

... With a Copious Index. To which is prefixed Some Account of his Life. In Four Volumes

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THE frogs so happy, 'midst their peaceful pond,
Of emp'rors grew at once extremely fond;
Yes, yes, an emp'ror was a glorious thing;
Each really took it in his addle pate,
'Twould be so charming to exchange their state!
An emp'ror would such heaps of blisses bring!
Sudden out hopp'd the nation on the grass,
Frog-man and yellow wife, and youth and lass,
A numerous tribe, to knuckle down to Jove,
And pray the gods to send an emp'ror down,
'Twas such a pretty thing, th' imperial crown!
So form'd their pleasures, honours, to improve.
Forth from his old blue weather-box, the skies,
Jove briskly stepp'd, with two wide-wond'ring eyes:
‘Mynheers,’ quoth Jove, ‘if ye are wise, be quiet;
Know when you're happy’—but he preach'd in vain;
They made the most abominable riot;
‘An emp'ror, emp'ror, yes, we must obtain.’


‘Well, take one,’ cry'd the god, and down he swopp'd
A monstrous piece of wood, from whence he chopp'd
Kings for the gentlefolks of ancient days:
Stunn'd at the sound, the frogs all shook with dread;
Like dabchicks, under water push'd each head,
Afraid a single nose so pale to raise.
At length one stole a peep, and then a second,
Who, slily winking to a third frog, beckon'd;
And so on, till they all obtain'd a peep;
Now nearer, nearer edging on they drew,
And finding nothing terrible, nor new,
Bold on his majesty began to leap:
Such hopping this way, that way, off and on!
Such croaking, laughing, ridiculing, fun!
In short, so very shameful were they grown;
So much of grace and manners did they lack,
One little villain saucily squat down,
And, with a grin, defil'd the royal back.
Now, unto Jove they, kneeling, pray'd again,
‘O Jupiter, this is so sad a beast,
So dull a monarch—so devoid of brain!
Give us a king of spirit, Jove, at least.’
The god comply'd, and sent them emp'ror Stork,
Who with his loving subjects went to work;
Chas'd the poor sprawling imps from pool to pool,
Resolv'd to get a handsome belly full.
Now gasping, wedg'd within his iron beak,
Did wriggling scores most lamentably squeak:
Bold push'd the emp'ror on, with stride so noble,
Bolting his subjects with majestic gobble.


Again the noble croaking tribe began to pray,
'Midst hoppings, scramblings, murder, and dismay:
‘O save us, Jove, from this inhuman Turk!
O save us from this imp of Hell!’
‘Mynheers,’ quoth Jove, ‘pray keep your emp'ror Stork—
Fools never know when they are well.’

A term to be found in the Hampshire Dictionary, implying a rapid deglutition of bacon, without the sober ceremony of mastication. It is, moreover, to be observed, that Hampshire servants, who are bacon-bolters, have always less wages than bacon-chewers.