University of Virginia Library


Page 164

Sec. 398. Food—protection from flies, dust, dirt, etc.

Food in the process of manufacture, preparation, packing, and
when stored, on sale or offered for sale shall be securely protected
from flies, dust and dirt; and food ready for consumption
without further preparation, maintained or offered for sale or
exchange, shall be covered by some permanent means, such as
glass, wood, metal, or other suitable materials, in such manner
or means to adequately protect same from dirt, dust and other
contamination. The use of newspapers, old sacks, unclean paper
or any paper that has been formerly used as an outside or
inside wrapping of articles of food is hereby prohibited. No
food, meat, or other food article shall be exposed on the sidewalks
or streets, except as may be necessary in transporting
from one place to another.