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[Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst from sin]

Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean. —viii. 2.

Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst from sin
Make both my life and nature clean:
Lord, if Thou canst, Thou wilt exert
The powers that purify my heart.
Self-loathing at Thy feet I lie,
Till Thou Thy hallowing blood apply,
And purged from inbred sin I prove
The virtue of almighty love.


The blessings which through faith I claim
I find them, Jesus, in Thy name;
Salvation in Thy name is given,
Forgiveness, holiness, and heaven.
Now then put forth Thy hand of grace,
And meet to see Thy blissful face
My spotless soul from earth remove,
To triumph with Thy saints above.