University of Virginia Library

Scene V.—Castle of Northampton.

The King, John of Oxford.
K. Hen.
The lion's loose! I see it in your eye!

John of Oxf.
Sire, he is 'scaped. Last evening was his triumph:
The people, as he issued hence, knelt down,
Craving his blessing. In St. Andrew's convent
He chaunted nones, and vespers first; then dined,
Ranging the poor, the halt, the lame, the dumb,
Around his board in place of friends who fled.
When night descended, he took sanctuary
In the great church:—they strewed his rushy couch
Behind the altar, and with stinted rite
Sang compline low in reverence of his sleep
After his fight with beasts at Ephesus.
Reach he but France, from every turf he treads


A knight full-armed shall leap, and rage against you.

K. Hen.
Guard all the ports! each castle, fort, and village:
Who favours his escape shall die the death!