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Marcellus Alexander Johnson was born in Franklin
County, Virginia, September 3d, 1865, being the
youngest son of John W. Johnson and Mary Elizabeth
(Haynes) Johnson, there
illustration being five sons and five
daughters. The father
died when the subject of
this sketch was three
years old. His mother
was a sister of the late
Dr. John W. Haynes of
Franklin County. He
received his education in
the country schools and
worked on his father's
farm during the vacation
periods. For
a year he clerked in a
country store. He then
located in Roanoke,
establishing a general
merchandise store on
the northeast corner of
Wells Avenue and Fourth Street, Northeast, on July
27th, 1887, where he has remained since, building up
a lucrative trade. This makes him the oldest general
merchant in the city who has been continuously in

On January 29th, 1889, he married Kate L. Arthur
of Bedford County, a daughter of James Lewis and
America (Brown) Arthur. The Arthurs are prominent
and are lineal descendants of Lord Russell of England.
The father of Mrs. Johnson represented his district
in the State Senate for two terms and declined at the
solicitation of friends to allow his name to be presented
to the Legislature as a candidate for the United States
Senate. Most of his life was spent in the public service.
He was also County Treasurer of Bedford County for
one term. He reared a family of five sons and seven
daughters, among them being L. C. Arthur, a wealthy
citizen of Greenville, North Carolina, J. L. Arthur,
Superintendent of the Big Sandy & Guyandotte Railway,
Leo Arthur, a traveling salesman, Messrs. Penn
and Hugh are farmers, and Henry a traveling salesman.
Of the children of John W. Johnson and Mary
Elizabeth (Haynes) Johnson, beside the subject of
this sketch there were five brothers and five sisters.
One of the brothers, J. B. Johnson is connected with
the Norfolk & Western and resides in Roanoke. The
children born to the union of Marcellus A. and Kate L.
Johnson are as follows: Lewis Arthur Johnson, born
January 10, 1891, and now a law student of the University
of Virginia and will graduate at the end of the
present term. He occupies the position of Assistant
Professor of Law in the University and is President
of the graduating class for the present term. He is
also Vice President of the University Young Men's
Christian Association.

Marcellus A. Johnson, Jr., was born September 27th,
1893, and will graduate at the Roanoke High School at
the end of the present term. He is Superintendent of
the Sunday School of Grace Methodist Episcopal
Church, South, and is a member of the Board of
Stewards of that congregation.

Gordon Earl Johnson was born February 3d, 1896,
and is now in his third year at the Roanoke High School.
He has made marvelous progress in the study of music.

Helen Johnson, the only daughter was born August
28th, 1901, and is now in the fourth grammar grade in
the public schools.

Paul Stewart Johnson was born June 30th, 1904.

Mr. Johnson has taken a deep interest in the education
of his children and much of his material wealth is
being spent in obtaining for them the best mental
training the country affords. Religiously he is a
member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.
He has been a member of Grace Methodist Church
since its organization and is Chairman of the Board
of Stewards, and a trustee of the church.