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Scene VII.

Clotaldo, Basilius, and Estrella.
Thanks be to God, I reach thy feet alive.

What news of Sigismund, Clotaldo, say?

The crowd, whom frenzy and blind impulse drive,
Into the tower resistless burst their way,
Released the Prince, who seeing thus revive
The honour he had tasted for one day,
Looked brave, declaring, in a haughty tone,
The truth at last that heaven must now make known.

Give me a horse! In person forth I'll ride
To check the pride of this ungrateful son.
Where Science erred let now the sword decide;
By my own valour shall my throne be won!

Let me the glory of the fight divide—
A twinkling star beside that royal sun—
Bellona matched with Mars: for I would dare
To scale even heaven to rival Pallas there.

[Exit, and they sound to arms.