University of Virginia Library

Scæn. 8.

Enter 2 Lords.
1 Lo.
It seems our Kink hath pretty well outgrown
His griefs; and now he meditates new Loves.

2 Lo.
The fire of love hath thaw'd his frozen breast,
And turn'd his cold December into May:
His Scepter's chang'd into a sheep-hook, He
Is gone on pilgrimage to seek a wife
Amongst the shepherdesses; there is one
Whom I have seen, and he is gone to see,
May vie with Juno for precedencie:
Who in the habit of a Country lass,
Carries a Prince-like countenance and grace.
In th'Arcadian Plains she keeps a flock
Of sheep, whose innocence and whiteness she
Surpasseth, whilst the shepherds daily strive
VVho shall bid fairest for this fairer prize.

1 Lo.
And he'l out-bid them all, if that will do.


But what a motley mixture will it be,
To see his grey hairs joyned with her green
And springing youth? The strange effects of love!
VVell may she be his nurse, but not his wife.
VVhat's love in young, is dotage in old men.

2 Lo.
Love can create an Autumn Spring, infuse
New spirits in the old, and make them young
Besides, Honour's a bait frail women know
Not to resist: who would not be a Queen?
