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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes
4 occurrences of psalter
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Psalme. XXVII.
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4 occurrences of psalter
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Psalme. XXVII.

The Argument.

Here may we see
The iust is free
in trouble though he falleth:
In God he stayeth
On hym he wayeth
and so geueth thankes in all.

Dominus illuminatio


The Lord of might: is health and light,
to me (at nede) whom should I feare?
The Lord is strength: to lyfe at length,
of myne (I say) who can me deare?


Whan men so bad: theyr traynes had layd,
Euen then (at eye) they fell downe right:
Whan foes dyd presse: to eate my flesh,
they slid (away) for all theyr spite.


Though armed host: besiegd my cost,
my hart (from God) shall not relent:
Though cruell warre: should ryse me nar,
to God (therin) I would be bent.



One thing to craue: of God to haue,
I dyd (full oft) and aye I will:
To keepe hys place: to see hys grace,
to haunt (euen so) his temple still.


Thus shal hys power: hyde me in bower,
when troubles should be (fierce and) fell:
He would me hyde: there close to byde,
as safe on rocke (most sure) to dwell.


My hed yet now: he wyll alow,
aboue my foes (in state) alwayes:
In, will I bryng: glad offeryng,
the Lord (so good) to laud and prayse.


My voyce O heare: my Lord so deare,
I cry (my God) in wofull part:
Graunt that I craue: and mercy haue,
extend to me thy (louyng) hart.


My hart to thee: dyd oft apply,
seeke ye my face (I say) ye all:
O Lord I will: thy face seeke still,
do others (how and) what they shall.


Hyde not from mee: thy seruaunt free,
thy (louyng) face, my ayde thou art:
Proiect not me: displeasantly,
O Lord (my health) do not depart.


My parentes when: they bad me renne,
from them (to go) my selfe to shift:
When Patrons all: my reyse or fall,
rought not (a myte) thou dydst me lyft.



Teach me thy way: thy law I say,
that rightly leadth (in truth) to thee:
My foes O Lord: wyth one accorde,
should els reioyce (in hate) to free.


Up turne me not: to beare theyr hate,
O Lord (to them) that me pursue:
False witnes eyes: agaynst me ryse,
and lyes (of me) they sprede vntrue.


My hart had quayld: and vtter fayld,
if fast (to thee) I had not trustd:
Let me thy grace: Lord see in place,
in land (of rest) where ioyth the iust.


O wayte the Lord: hold fast hys worde:
doubt not (at all) be strong, be still:
Attend on God: take meeke hys rod,
he will (at last) thy hart fulfill.