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The Prisoner of Love

By F. W. Orde Ward (F. Harald Wiliams)

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February 3 YE ARE THE SALT

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost its savour, wherewith shall it be salted?”—St. Matt. v. 13.

Scatter the salt in pining places,
Where leperous is the air and sick
And sin lies seared on pallid faces,
Where blood to lust alone is quick;
Scatter it broadcast, let the savour
Sink low in vicious slum or vault,
Let Christ give all your faith its flavour—
Ye are the Salt.
Scatter the salt in gracious giving
And grudge not any pain or loss,
Pour out your utmost love in living
That draws its greatness from the Cross;
Scatter it where the hearts are rotten
And grim corruption doth not halt,
Where trust is fled and joy forgotten,—
Ye are the Salt.
Scatter the salt with no delaying,
The children cry, the death-bell tolls
Out of the darkness and decaying—
The worm is at their very souls;
Scatter your best, your brightest hoping,
Stay not for conscious fear or fault
Though among graveyards work be groping—
Ye are the Salt.