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“Nay, but”—drily hints his Mentor here, “What faults are you imputing!
'Tis a devotee, this dapper One! most reverent while uprooting!
‘Man must have a Faith,’ he cries, ‘some fine Ideal loved and followed!
Hear then Heavens, O Earth give ear! Mankind and you shall still be hallowed
With a spick-and-span new Creed, complete from Paradise to Tophet!
Soft now! . . . There's no God but Abstract Man, and Comte's his Concrete Prophet!
And to keep this compound Allah through his myriad parts progressing,
There's in Fame a Life Immortal for each hero's goal and blessing;
Blest or curst a Life Eternal for each soul of lowlier breeding,
In the good effects or evil of each life on lives succeeding!’
Then he flaunts you his fantastic God—great—sad—perplexed Humanity!
And, O sanguine sweet simplicity, most amiable Insanity!
Thinks devotion to a Deity so wayward, weak and airy
(Dying out behind for ever like a fire that scours a prairie)
Will seduce poor Man to fling away his one brief chance of pleasure—
Turn mere steel to ecstasies of sense, in Stoic over-measure;
Spurn the Syren Vice for Virtue's pale and perishable treasure!
All his joy the joy of healing by his pain the pain of others;


Pebble vile for Self to smile the Pearl of price for Self-like brothers;
Altar-flame when blown for them the hell-fire spark in Self he smothers!
So his bubble-doom he shall sky-tinge; dog-futured—dog-like dutiful,
Slave to make his firefly flash of life look solemn, grand and beautiful!
So his brother dim Automatons of like ephemeral quality,
Shall enshrine him, as in mockery of his wormy grave's reality,
Crowned in catacombs of Memory with most mortal Immortality!
Nay, for feigning Life so farcical,—grand, beautiful, and solemn,
Soothe his dust, his dry bones tickle, with a statue, bust or column!
‘Were not this,’ the sleek one simpers, ‘guerdon great and prospect glorious?
We are rotten, not forgotten! O the prize for pangs notorious!
Nothingness our doom, no less we'll make believe 'tis tempting—winning;
Life a skeleton—what then?—we'll pull a string and set it grinning!’”