University of Virginia Library



This is the room in which my darling died:
A cottage bedroom with a sloping roof,
Simple, and old, and quiet; looking out
Over green gardens, on the woods and hills
Beyond that village where her life began
And where it ended. Nothing on the earth
Is nearer heaven than a home like this,
When two twin souls inhabit it, and live
In love and peace, together and alone.
And still we are together and alone:
Not in the lovely churchyard, where indeed
Her fair and lissome body and sweet face
Lie waiting for the husband of her youth;
Nor in that cottage home; nor here—so far
From all she loved and cared for, and so full
Of petty interests, that exasperate
The soul of sorrow; no indeed, not here!
But in a region only known to those
Whose lives have climb'd up towards it, and who now,
Now in their hour of need, have leave to meet
And commune there, unfetter'd by the bonds
Of flesh and blood, of distance, and of Time.