University of Virginia Library


Spring! the beautiful Spring is coming,
The sun shines bright and the bees are humming;
And the fields are rich with the early flowers,
Beds of crocus and daisies white,
And under the budding hedge-row showers
Of the ficary golden bright!
Come, come, let you and me
Go out and the promise of Spring-time see,
For many a pleasant nook I know,
Where the hooded arum and blue-bell grow,
And crowds of violets white as snow;—
Come, come, let's go!
Let's go, for hark!
I hear the lark;
And the black-bird and thrush on the hillside tree,
Shout to each other so merrily,


And the wren sings loud,
And a little crowd
Of gnats in the sun dance cheerily.
Come, come! come along with me,
For the tassels are red on the tall larch-tree,
And in homesteads hilly,
The spathed daffodilly
Is growing in beauty for me and thee!