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Ballads of the War

By H. D. Rawnsley

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To the High Court of Parliament

At this time under Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen Assembled

February 5, 1900
You with the fear of God before your eyes now,
You who remember whence our fathers sprung,
In the hushed Parliament will ye not arise now,
Shame with your words sincere the double tongue
Now, while the work of countless generations
Hangs in the balance, to a grain of dust,
Whether it win the mocking of the nations
Or prove victorious, merciful and just.
Will ye not say, foreknowing all the sorrow—
Lovers of peace but wielders of the sword—
We, with the hope of larger peace to-morrow,
Keep for all children of the flag our word.
Say, that beyond all Charters men decry for us,
Dearer than gold or diamond's dazzling fee,
This is our Charter—Faith with all who die for us,
This is our gold—the love of liberty.


Say that the gauge is cast, the doom decided.
Let those who fear, misdoubting of the end,
Know that the nation, one and undivided,
Claims the true heart that quails not now, for friend.
Yea, tell it forth most solemn and unhastingly,
Somewhere, behind our wondrous battle-swarm,
God with His Will to usward everlastingly
Hides His deep purpose, and we trust His arm.