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by Evelyn Douglas [i.e. J. E. Barlas]

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XXXVIII. Aspiration.

Wherefore do our spirits pine
With a yearning so divine
For the distant dim sea-line?
Why so deeply strangely crave
For the furthest leaping wave
Of millions that together rave?
Why wet we with tears our cheek
At sight of the far mountain-peak?
With hushed voices wherefore speak
In the presence of the stars?
Wherefore watch their shining cars
As captives look through prison-bars?
All things radiant and remote,
All sweet sounds that seem to float
From the distance, the sad note
Of a bird, of wave, of wind
Seem as if they would remind
Of a life we have resigned


Seem as if they would awake
Musings, memories which partake
Of a hope that we forsake.
'Tis thus on the doubtful spheres
We can scarce look without tears.
Were they our home in vanished years?