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Holy of holies

Confessions of an anarchist [by J. E. Barlas]

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[How piteous is the impotence of rage!]

How piteous is the impotence of rage!
I have seen weakness, tortured, lift a hand
To strike, and when no strength came to command,
Drop anguished; seen a prisoned tiger wage,
Day upon day, war with his iron cage,
Indomitable, hopeless, shake the band,
That shall to-morrow as to-day withstand,
In passion that despair cannot assuage.
Red-eyed he wakens from his angry dreams,
And with the dawning sun renews the strife,
Or shatters on the grate his tortured brains.
Such and so endless to my spirit seems
The angry chafing of a noble life,
When man insults and destiny constrains.
March 21st, 1886.