University of Virginia Library



‘Ah spare the weakness of a lover's heart—
Chase not the phantoms of my FAIRY DREAM,
Phantoms that fade at reason's painful gleam.’



In silence too long have I sigh'd,
And breathed my soft sorrows in vain:
My tears but awaken her pride,
My verse but invites her disdain.
Shall love all my pleasures destroy,
Shall grief ever doom me to pine?
Forbid it, delusions of joy!
Let Fancy's bright empire be mine.
With Elves of the sun-beam I'll glide,
I'll rove the gay realms of delight;
In the cloud, in the whirlwind I'll ride—
Or flit with the visions of night.
On the strand when the wild billows roar,
I'll mount in the foam of the deep;
'Mid ruins hear spectres deplore,
Or wander the desart and weep;


Thro' ice-cover'd regions I'll pass,
Lakes, mountains, and cool-dripping cells;
With Fairies strew flowers on the grass,
And gaily dance over the dells.
Ye phantoms! that silence alarms,—
Ye shadows! that soften desire,—
Ah shroud a fond youth with your charms,
Till love's gloomy tempests retire!



Spirits, list! unhallow'd eyes
Daring view our mysteries—
Thro' the cavern as ye fled
Heard ye not a mortal tread?
E'er he rashly venture near,
Warn we thus his eager ear:
‘Bold intruder! breathe no sound—
‘Softly, softly stalk around:
‘Silent view the wondrous scene,
‘Work divine of forms unseen—
‘Trembling gaze, nor rudely brave
‘Spirits of the secret cave!
‘High in airy splendor hung,
‘We the lucid gems have strung,
‘Flashing on thy ravish'd sight
‘Quivering floods of liquid light;


‘Purer radiance, milder rays
‘Than the solar beam displays.
‘We the massy rock have rent,
‘We the ponderous arch have bent;
‘Streams assuming shapes unknown
‘Pendant frown, congeal'd to stone;
‘Monstrous forms, to daunt thine eyes,
‘At our bidding instant rise.
‘Favour'd mortal! haste away:
‘Hie thee to the realms of day!
‘E'er our mystic shouts rebound
‘Dreadful, thro' the vast profound;
‘E'er we shroud thy soul in night;
‘Swiftly, swiftly speed thy flight!’



Fierce-eyed Elves, attend my call!
Hear the task your Queen assigns;
Quit the caverns' chrystal hall,
Yawning gulphs, and gloomy mines;
Hither be your wanderings bent,
Pierce the mountains' secret cells:
Here mid struggling vapours pent,
Thunder forth terrific yells!
Thunder! till th' imprison'd steams
Hurl aloft the riven rock;
Till the kindled sulphur gleams
Bursting with redoubled shock:
Then with frowns affright the skies,
Thro' the deepening shadows stray,
Bid the smoky volume rise,
In the livid lightening play!


Swiftly down the mountain side
Floating flame in torrents urge,
Dreadful thro' the deluge ride,
Riot on the fiery surge!
When the work of fate is done,
Seek with me the central deep;
There the radiant horrors shun,
There in cooling grottoes sleep!



Where the wave in slow meanders
Winds beneath o'erhanging trees;
There your Elfin empress wanders,
There she quaffs the morning breeze:
Rising from her reedy pillow,
Round the moss-clad rock she plays;
Leaning on her pearly billow,
All the liquid realm surveys:
Envious shades the landscape banish—
Shades my radiant mirror shroud:
See the glossy stillness vanish—
Chase oh chase that ruffling cloud!
Gentle Elves! in streamlets brawling
Down the pendent forest flow;
Foaming high, or faintly falling,
Join the lucid lake below!


Soon the formless cliff ascending,
Spread with vapoury veil the scene;
Misty steams and mountains blending,
Soften nature's savage mien!
Noon opposes—flame-surrounded!
To your rocks, my Fays, repair!
There in caves with thickets bounded
Wake your woe-dispelling air.
While the lake with trembling lustre
Owns the magic of your songs;
While amidst your Fairy cluster
Echo every note prolongs;
Lull my toil with opiate numbers
Till the star of evening glows:
Lap me in oblivious slumbers,
Wave the wand of soft repose!



Now the star of day descends,
Now the din of nature ends—
Visions! hear our Elfin cries,
Phantoms! airy spectres, rise!
Well ye know to us belongs
Power to rule your mingled throngs!
Go! with bloody garlands crown'd,
Glide the murderer's couch around;
Near the base seducer lie,
Wildly shriek, and sadly sigh:
Or in sable robes array'd,
Flit before the faithless maid!
If the lover's eyelid close,
Soothe with slumber soft his woes;
Lull the restless swain's alarms,
Lead the virgin to his arms,


Pour the nectar-streaming kiss,
Bathe his ravish'd soul in bliss!
Shadowy forms, our call obey!
Wander where we point the way—
Soon, too soon, unwelcome light
Melts the parting shades of night;
Then must we our sports forbear,
Then with you dissolve in air!



Where icy billows strew the plain,
Mid rattling hail, and sleety showers,
In realms of frost we spirits reign;
In varied sport consume the hours.
O'erwhelming weights of gather'd snow
Oft from the hoary mount we tear;
Deep-thundering down the vale below,
Or whirl'd in eddies thro' the air.
'Mid desart rocks, in regions drear,
Fantastic scenes our skill displays:
Their snow-built spires the cities rear,
The groves their chrystal branches raise.
Ætherial Elves unnumber'd beams
O'er all our wild creations throw,
Cold saphire radiance, emerald streams,
And blushing rays of ruby-glow.


What scenes of glory yet remain!
What secret wonders might we tell!
But, hark—our queen forbids the strain,
And calls us lingering to her cell.



Rocking whirlwinds shake the dome—
Fays of darkness, hither roam!
Shapeless legions, shades of fear,
Heed ye not? appear! appear!
Earthquakes heave the panting ground,
Fanes dismantled totter round:
Hark! with hideous roar they fall!
Loudly bursts the shatter'd wall!
Columns quiver! arches groan!
Sinks the mighty mass of stone—
Wherefore Fairies thus delay?
Hither, hither haste away!

Imps of horror! cease your strain—
Yes, we hear; but hear in vain:


Dare not, cannot heed your cry—
Fate forbids her Fays to fly.
Frown, ye Demons! Fiends, destroy!
Fays serener bliss enjoy.
We, when silence veils the skies,
O'er the ruin'd temples rise:
Thro' the vaulted roof o'erthrown
Some in hollow murmurs moan;
Some upon the moon-beam sail
Dimly clad in glimmering mail;
Some, to brave the wintery wind,
Falling piles with ivy bind;
Some along the mouldering heap
Teach the hoary moss to creep:
All in tranquil scenes delight,
All in peace consume the night.
Frown, ye Demons! Fiends, destroy!
Fays serener bliss enjoy.



Come, Fairies that revel in light,
Shall we float on the beams of the moon;
Illumine the shadows of night,
Or brighten the lustre of noon?
Shall we pour glowing tints from the sun
The gay-coloured arch to adorn;
Strew meteors, in crowds as we run,
Or blush in the crimson of morn?
To the north, starry region, repair,
And o'er the cool azure diffuse
Pale glances quick-trembling in air,
Warm flashes and fiery hues?
No! no! on the lightenings wild wing,
With Elves of the tempest we'll fly:
While they in the storm shrilly sing,
We'll glare thro' the gloom of the sky!



Within these groves and bowers serene
Retired from mortal haunts afar,
When rising o'er the shadowy green
Appears mild evening's welcome star;
We sportive Elves and wandering Sprites
Join on the flower-enamell'd ground,
To celebrate our festive rites,
Or lead the mazy dance around.
The trees a lively foliage gain
Beneath whose sheltering shade we stray,
And deeper verdure decks the plain
Where'er our magic circles play.
Now lightly glance our nimble feet,
Now, smoothly sliding o'er the grass,
We haste Titania's train to meet
Nor shake a dew-drop as we pass:


And oft on silken wings upborne
Thro' the dim air our sports pursue;
Till scatter'd by the breeze of morn,
We quickly vanish from the view!



Virgins! mild as vernal showers,
Sweeter far than opening flowers,
Fond seducers! would ye know
Whence your soft allurements flow?
Elves alone by nature led,
Elves your morn of beauty spread!
We your tender cheeks to flush,
Thrice refine the rose's blush;
For your veins' delicious blue,
Steep a violet leaf in dew;
For your skins' resplendent white,
Steal a ray of lunar light;
For the glances of your eyes,
Snatch a sunbeam from the skies!
Thus in life's enchanting bloom
Fairies every grace illume:


Fairies hail your morn of youth,
Tranquil hour of artless truth—
Pleased when mortal charms dispense
Lovely looks of innocence!
But when passion's eager rage
Sheds th' untimely blight of age;
When delusive art appears,
Faithless accents, feigning tears—
All your blest protectors fly!
All your beauties fade and die!



Night wakens the tempest! the bark speeds away—
Scale the billow, fleet Elves! boldly dash in the spray!
When clouds veil the skies,
The gleam of your eyes
Tho' mild as the moonbeam is radiant as day.
Hoarsely scream the fell spirits! oh silence their quire!
Smoothe the wide-swelling surge! clothe the waters in fire!
Leave the mist-cover'd steep!
Hurry on to the deep!
Protect the swift pinnace till dangers retire!
“We hasten, fair chief!—the wind sinks at our strain:
“The storm disappears that o'ershadow'd the main:
“On the cliff, on the sand,
“In clusters we stand:
“We twinkle like stars on the sea's level plain!”


Tis well—wait the morn! when the sunny rays glow,
Should the nymphs lave their limbs let the tide gently flow;
Soft smiles from the fair
Rewarding your care,
While ye sport with the wave on their bosoms of snow!
Then wander the rocks, and explore every shell
Beneath whose pure roof pearly hues love to dwell;
Bring leafllets, bring flowers
From coralline bowers,
Bring gems of rich lustre to lighten my cell!
“We hear and obey—to thy banquet we fly:
“With gems of rich lustre we'll rival the sky,
“We'll bring thee bright flowers
“From coralline bowers,
“And carol thy praises till ocean reply!”



False Arab! faithless robber, stay!
When water fails, will guides betray?
We faint with thirst! no drop remains
To slake our lips, or cool our veins!
He flies—he flies—with treacherous haste
He leaves us on the dreary waste:
Clear springs, he said, or verdure mild
Would chear us o'er the trackless wild,
Or stars of gold the sand illume,
Or groves of cool acacia bloom:
'Twas falsehood all—no verdant scene
But bitter senna's barren green,
No woods appear, no waters bless—
Unbounded, hideous wilderness!


Loud lamentings, piercing cries
Fill the solitary plain:
Spirits of the desart—rise!
Rise! 'tis man's insensate train.
Lo for guilty gold they stray—
Avarice leads their impious crew!
Withering squadrons, blast their way—
Ruthless fiends! their steps pursue!
Desolate the burning land,
Thro' the dusty whirlwind glare,
Stalk amid the pillar'd sand,
Scorch the breezes, taint the air!
Let nor worm, nor insect breath
Live beneath the venom'd gale—
Spread the purple haze of death,
Turn the sultry planets pale!


Instant be our task begun!

Fiend of death! the work is done.
Sandy whirlwinds sweep the ground—
Fiery columns close them round—
Now they tremble! Now they sink!
Haste thee life's last sob to drink!
Poison taints the blushing sky,
Winds breathe flame—they die! they die!


See Bruce's sublime narrative of his journey over the desart of Sennaar.



Weep, deserted flowers of night—
We must waken day's delight!
We must weave in nature's loom
Summer radiance, vernal bloom.
Morning opes her purple eyes—
Orient colours, countless dies
Dissipate the spell of sleep:
Weep, deserted poppies, weep!
Fays no more in filmy trance
Round your slumbering leaflets dance.
Rising from night's spectred scene,
Now we gambol o'er the green;
Flit where noon-tide fervors shine,
Fan the blossoms e'er they pine,
Cooling airs on welcome wing
To the fainting lilly bring;


Animate the fading rose,
Laugh in every bud that blows.
Glorious revel!—soon it ends!
See, the misty gloom descends.
Stay thee—bright-hair'd imp of light!
Check thy steeds' ungovern'd flight!
Eve's triumphant shadow lours:
Round her visage, dim with showers,
Shrivelling moon-beams faintly play:
We must leave ye, buds of day!
Flowers of silence, mourn no more—
Fays your filmy trance restore.
Softest dews of slumber fell,
While we breathed that opiate spell:
Silent poppies! cease your fears—
Visionary bliss appears.



The Fairy visions melt away,
Each rapturous dream of bliss is flown:
To slow-consuming cares a prey,
I feel of love the pangs alone.
When day's declining prospects fade,
And darkness reassumes her reign;
Eager I seek the midnight shade,
There midst imbowering woods complain.
Once Hope my pensive wanderings blest,
And chear'd my path with glittering dreams;
Once Fancy own'd me for her guest:
Ah! then I lov'd the moon's pale beams!
No more I court her pleasing light
In deepest woods I shroud my care;
For Hope is lost in endless night,
And Fancy dwells not with despair!