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A pleasant Part of a small and uninhabited Island with a Prospect of the Sea; several Trees of a foreign Growth, rude Caves or Grottos, and Shrubs with Flowers. On the forepart of the Scene to the right hand is a great Rock, on which is an unfinished Inscription in European Characters.
Constantia wildly apparelled with Skins, Leaves and Flowers, with the Hilt and Part of a broken Sword in her Hand, appears employed in finishing the Inscription.
What task so arduous, but unwearied toil
At length effects! Hard is this stubborn rock;
Rude is this instrument, and weak the hand
That unexperienc'd guides it: yet behold
My long laborious work how near compleat!
Grant me to finish this, then, Gracious Heav'n!
Release me from a life replete with sorrow.


Should Fortune e'er, in future times transport
Some traveller to tread these shores unknown,
This rock at least shall from oblivion's pow'r
Preserve my suff'rings and record my story.

Constantia, by Gernando's guile betray'd,
“Forsaken here, on this far distant coast,
“Clos'd the sad remnant of her wretched days.
“Whoe'er thou art that read'st these mournful lines,
“If savage fierceness dwell not in thy breast,
“Revenge or pity—
“my disastrous fate.”
These words alone are wanting: let me then
Conclude what yet remains to crown my toil.
[Returns to her work.