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The Life of Our Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ

An Heroic Poem: Dedicated to Her Most Sacred Majesty. In Ten Books. Attempted by Samuel Wesley ... Each Book illustrated by necessary Notes, explaining all the more difficult Matters in the whole History: Also a Prefatory Discourse concerning Heroic Poetry. With Sixty Copper-Plates

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PSALM 135.


Lofty Hallelujahs sing
To th' Alwise, th' Almighty King!
Him with Hearts and Voices raise!
Him, ye his blest Servants, Praise!
Ye who ever stand to bless,
In the Beauty of Holiness!
In his House, with Glory crown'd,
Or the sacred Courts around,
Him, the Spring of Life and Light,
Boundless Goodness, boundless Might!
Him, and his great Name record!
The Service is its own reward.


You, O Isra'l's Sons rejoice!
Your Father's God's peculiar Choice!
Great and high! What Idol dare
With the Lord of Hosts compare?
His Pow'r no other Limits knows,
But what his Goodness will impose:
Heav'n, Earth and Sea his Orders keep;
Close he seals the Aged Deep.
See his Clouds make black the Skies,
Lightnings glare, and Storms arise;
And freed from their dark stony Cave,
Hark, th' impetuous Whirlwinds rave!
To Zoan's Fields, with Blood o'erflown,
Too well his Signs and Wonders known;
Known by their First-born too well,
First they, and then their Fathers fell.
He pow'rful Nations did subdue;
Monsters quell'd, and Tyrants slew:
Sihon, by th' Amorite obey'd,
And mighty Og, who Bashan sway'd.
In vain proud Can'ans Kings combine,
Their weak Arms in vain they joyn;
The sooner all they Captive stand,
To Israel, God dispos'd their Land.
Still, O God! Thou art the same,
Still we sing thy glorious Name;
Our glad Hymns thy Justice raise,
And thy pard'ning Goodness praise.
Not so the Gods by Mortals made,
To whom vain Vows and Incense paid;
In vain for their Advice they come,
Mouths they have, but still are dumb.


Lifeless Eyes, which see no more
Than those Stocks who them adore;
Nor their Ears the sound can take,
Which their lost Devotions make.
Tho' they lean their Nostrils down,
If they've no Incense, they'll not Frown;
Such are they, and such are those,
Who on them their Hopes repose.
You, O Israel, who alone,
The great God of Gods have known;
You, who guard his holy Place,
Mitred Aaron's sacred Race!
You, who from great Levi spring,
His illustrious Praises sing!
You too ought to do the same,
Each good Man that fear his Name.
At once let all our Vows aspire!
Let our glad Voices fill the Quire;
Him bless who do's at Salem dwell,
The Saviour of his Israel!