University of Virginia Library

Upon Mr. Bennet, Procurer Extraordinary.

Reader beneath this Marble Stone
Saint Valentine's Adopted Son,
Bennet the Bawd now lies alone.
Here lies alone the Amorous Spark,
Who was us'd to lead them in the dark
Like Beasts by Pairs into the Ark.
If Men of Honour wou'd begin,
He'd ne'er stick out at any Sin,
For he was still for Sticking't in.


If Justice chiefest of the Bench
Had an occasion for a Wench,
His reverend Flames 'twas he cou'd quench.
And for his Son and Heir apparent,
He cou'd perform as good an errand
Without a Tipstaff or a Warrant.
Over the Clergy had such a lock,
That he could make a Spiritual Frock
Fly off at sight of Temporal Smock.
Like Will 'ith' wisp still up and down
He led the Wives of London Town,
To lodge with Squires of high renown.
While they (poor Fools) being unaware,
Did find themselves in Mansion fair,
Near Leic'ster Fields or James's Square.


Thus Wotthy Bennet was imploy'd;
At last he held the Door so wide,
He caught a cold, so cough'd, and dy'd.