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To his much esteemed Friend and Cousin-german, John Davis of The Greenway in Hereford-Shire.

To his much esteemed Friend and Cousin-german, John Davis of The Greenway in Hereford-Shire.

Here is truth & errour, the first maintained,
The last before the right'ous Judg arraigned.
I hope thou hast this will within thy brest,
Of trying all thou read'st, to keep the best,
And not to take things carelesly on trust,
As if all thou readest were true and just:
Stir up, stir up in thee, that noble minde,
Like to the Bereans, who searcht to finde,
If things were so or no in holy Writ;
See if it hath true Scripture stampt on it,
'Tis currant coine; if otherwise, 'tis base
Metall, receive it not on any case.
The pains of touching only here is thine,
The pleasure of composing hath been mine.
Your loving Cousin and name-sake, John Davis. London, May, An. Dom. 1652.