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Trivial poems

and triolets. Written in obedience to Mrs Tomkin's commands, By Patrick Carey

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Dirige vias meas Domine!


Open thy selfe, and then looke in;
Consider what thou mightst haue bin,
And what thou art now made by sin.


Asham'd o'th' state to which th'art brought,
Detest, and greeue for each past fault;
Sigh, weepe, and blush for each foule thought.


Feare, but dispayre not, and still loue;
Looke humbly up to God aboue
And him thoul't soone to pitty mooue.



Resolue on that which prudence showes;
Performe what thou doest well propose;
And keepe i'th' way thou hast once chose.


Uice, and what lookes like uitious, shunne;
Lett use make good acts eas'ly donne:
Haue zeale, as when th'hadst first begunne.


Hope strongly, yett bee humble still;
Thy good is God's; what thine, is ill:
Doe thus, and thee affect hee will.


Pray, when with others; when alone.
To scorne, or prayse bee as a stone:
Forgett thy selfe, and all, but One.


Remooue what stands twixt God, and thee.
Use not thy fancy, him to see:
One with his will, make thy will bee.


Looke purely on God when thou doest well;
But not on heauen; much lesse on hell:
Thoul't gett him thus in thee to dwell.


Use-lesse our Master wee doe serue;
Our labours noe reward deserue;
Yett happy who these rules obserue.