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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Quod sex sunt etates seculi, septima morientium, octaua resurgentium.

Sex eldis I fynd in world þer wer


and þer nemmet I no mo,
And in þis skyl þat I saide her
to hom I teȝet oþer two,
Of qvich two deth is þat one.
that oþer general risyng,
In qviche elde we euerychone
shyn come bifore þat heghest kyng,
Ihesu Crist, þat callet ys
a stone, & circumciset be,
that is to wit forsoth i-wys,
be hym clanset alle be we
Of that we han done her amys,
And thurgh penaunce made wel his gre,
but tho that wold noȝt be hys
to pyne euer-lestyng, leue ȝe me.