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The complete works of John Lyly

now for the first time collected and edited from the earliest quartos with life, bibliography, essays, notes and index by R. Warwick Bond

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The Song at Theobalds.

If euerie Ioy now had a tongue,
And all the seuerall thoughts were sung,
Vnder this happie roofe,
They could make proofe,


How much they doe reioyce,
In one, the Maisters voice:
and that is welcome still.
Hayle double flame of Maiesties,
Whose luster quicken's: blindes not eyes,
Who euer saw such light
would wish for night?
Stay, stay, we may reioyce,
And keepe our constant voice,
which is your welcome still.
When two Sunnes shine, the ample day
Should not so haste it selfe away:
A feare to loose destroyes
almost our Ioyes,
But we must so reioyce,
As we make good our voice,
of welcome, welcome still.


And would you euer stay,
And make it lasting day,
Tis welcome, welcome still.