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The Court of Conscience or Dick Whippers Sessions

With the order of his arraigning and punishing of many notorious, dissembling, wicked, and vitious liuers in this age. By Richard West

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Makebates & tatling Gossips.

You that at Conduicts, and such other places,
The ale-house, bake-house, or the washing block
Meet daily, talking with your brazen faces,
Of peoples matters which concerne you not.
You sowe such discord twixt the man and wife,
You set a thousand at debate and strife.
With truly Gossip, such a one doth this,
And Williams wife went forth with Iohn the Cooper:
Simon calld Susan whore: why truly Sisse:
Frauncis and Marie's gone abroad to supper.
Were it my case, as it is mother Iones,
Ide teare the flesh from off the villaines bones.
What's this concerning you or your affaires,
Your minde should onely be about your worke:
To earne your liuing should be all your care,
And not by th'ale-house fire still to lurke.
Gaging your husbands goods for Ale and Beere,
Youl' sell your smocks & kerchers for good cheere.
Get home you Mawkes from off your gossips seat,
Take heed of medling any more of others:
Ile make your back, your sides and shoulders sweat,
And ierke you till you shed your Gossips fethers.
Turne vp your tippet, Ile teach you to prate,
Your shoulders and my whip are falne at bate.