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[Since fame's schril trumpet equal'd wt the skyes]

Since fame's schril trumpet equal'd wt the skyes
The rair perfectiounes and miraculous art,
Natour and educatioun did impairt
To mak the wondrouse to amazed eyes,
Thy beutyes did my sensses suire suppryse,
Or eir thy sight my ravischt eyes did blesse.
Bot now I fynd Fame too, too niggard is,
Or thy deserts above hir reach aryse.
All loue, all joy, all sueitnes, all delight,
The heawins into thoise angel's eyes haue plac'd.
Thryse happie he quho may the rosis taist,
And pull the lilies of those cheeks so quhyt.
But those fayre brests' rype clusters quho myt presse
Wt Jove may weel compair in happines.