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ELEGIA. 2. Ad amicam cursum equorum spectantem.

ELEGIA. 2. Ad amicam cursum equorum spectantem.

I sit not here the noble horse to see,
Yet whom thou fauourst, pray may conquerour be.
To sit, and talke with thee I hether came,
That thou mayst know with loue thou mak'st me flame.
Thou view'st the course, I thee: let either heede,
What please them, and their eyes let either feede.
What horse-driuer thou fauourst most is best,
Because on him thy care doth hap to rest.
Such chance let me haue: I would brauely runne,
On swift steedes mounted till the race were done.
Now would I slacke the reines, now lash her hide,
With wheles bent inward now the ring-turne ride.

In running if I see thee, I shall stay,
And from my hands the reines will slip away.
Ah Pelpos from his coach was almost feld,
Hippodameias lookes while he beheld.
Yet he attain'd by her support to haue her,
Let vs all conquer by our mistris fauour.
In vaine why flyest backe? force conioyns vs now:
The places lawes this benifit alow,
But spare my wench thou at her right hand seated,
By thy sides touching ill she is intreated.
And sit thou rounder, that behind vs see,
For shame presse not her backe with thy hard knee.
But on the ground thy cloaths too loosely lye,
Gat her them vp, or lift them loe will I.
Enuious garments so good legges to hide,
The more thou look'st, the more the gowne enuide.
Swift Atalantas flying legges like these,
Wish in his hands graspt did Hippomines.
Coate-tuckt Dianas legges are painted like them,
When strong wild beasts, she stronger hunts to strike thē,
Ere these were seene, I burnt: what will these do?,
Flames into flame, flouds thou powerst seas into.
By these I iudge, delight me may the rest,
Which lie hid vnder her thinne veile supprest.
Yet in the meane time wilt small windes bestow,
That from thy fanne, mou'd by my hand may blow,
Or if my heate, of minde, not of the skie?
I'st woemens loue my captiue brest doth frie?
While thus I speake, blacke dust her white robes ray:
Foule dust, from her faire body go away.
Now comes the pompe; themselues let all men cheere:
The shout is nigh; the golden pompe comes heere.

First victory is brought with large spread wing,
Goddesse come heere, make my loue conquering.
Applaud you Neptune, that dare trust his waue,
The sea I vse not: me my earth must haue.
Souldier applaud thy Mars, no warrs we mone,
Peace pleaseth me, and in mid peace is lone.
With Augures Phæbus, Phæbe with hunters standes.
To thee Minerua turne the crafts-mens hands.
Ceres and Bacchus Country-men adore,
Champions pleace Pollux, Castor loues horsemen more.
Thee gentle Venus, and the boy that flies,
We praise, great goddesse ayde my enterprize.
Let my new mistris graunt to be beloued,
She beckt, and prosperous signes gaue as she moued.
What Venus promis'd, promise thou we pray
Greater then her, by her leaue th'art, Ile say.
The Gods, and their rich pompe witnesse with me,
For euermore thou shalt my mistres be.
Thy legges hang-downe, thou maiest, if that be best,
Or while thy tiptoes on the foot-stoole rest.
Now greatest spectacles the Prætor sends,
Fower-chariot-horses from the lists euen ends,
I see whom thou affectest: he shall subdue,
The horses seeme, as they desire thy knewe.
Alas he runnes too farre about the ring,
What doest? thy wagon in lesse compasse bring.
What dost vnhappy? her good wishes fade,
Let with strong hand the reine to bend be made.
One slowe we fauour, Romans him reuoke:
And each giue signes by casting vp his cloake.
They call him backe, least their gownes tosse thy haire,
To hide thee in my bosome strait repaire.

But now againe the barriers open lye;
And forth the gay troupes on swift horses flie.
At last now conquer, and out-runne the rest:
My mistris wish confirme with my request.
My mistris hath her wish, my wish remaine:
He holds the palme: my palme is yet to gaine.
She smilde, and with quicke eyes behight some grace:
Pay it not heere, but in an other place.